“someone was rescued”, better than “someone was rescued”

by time news

2023-11-29 11:56:05

Combining achieve with a passive sentencelike in The woman managed to be rescued (rather The woman was rescued), no it is advisable.

However, it is not uncommon to find in the media examples such as “The two men managed to be arrested”, “An encrypted letter has managed to be deciphered in France” or “The shocking case of a woman who managed to be rescued in Brazil”.

The verb achieve can be combined con a prayer of infinitive, as in “The movie managed to raise a billion.” In such cases, the subject is attributed an achievement (to the film, in this last example, having obtained a billion-dollar gross).

As indicated by the academic grammarand although it is frequent, the combination of achieve with a passive sentence periphrastic (to be + participle) is not advisable, since in cases such as the letter managed to be deciphered it cannot be understood that the subject (the carta) get for himself something he pursued.

Instead, you can resort to several options, such as a passive sentence with a sentential subject (“The letter was deciphered”), can + passive sentence (“The letter could be deciphered”), etc. In addition, it is possible to add some expression to emphasize that the action was arduous or that it involved effort, such as finally, after all

Since the sentences at the beginning do not express that anything or anyone has achieved something they wanted, it would have been preferable to write, for example, “The two men could have been arrested”, “An encrypted letter has finally been deciphered in France” and ” “The shocking case of a woman who was rescued in Brazil.”

See also

➤ solo is achieved, achieves o get something desired

#rescued #rescued

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