“Sometimes a woman is needed”: Will the ambassador who occupied the Israelis run for president?

by time news

Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nicki Haley sharply criticized incumbent President Joe Biden during a speech he delivered Monday night at the 17th Washington Summit of the United Christians for Israel (CUFI). Haley also hinted at the conference that she would run in the US presidential election in 2024. “Just say, sometimes you need a woman,” she said. Trump and Florida Gov. Ron Desentis.

The former ambassador announced: “If the president (Joe Biden) signs the nuclear deal with Iran, I will assure you: the next president will shred him on her first day in office.” She said: “If Iran ever seems to be coming to nuclear weapons, we must act, and we must act quickly and resolutely. Our national security depends on keeping the bomb out of Iran, and if America does not, then Israel must, and we must help them, or at least, give Israel the “Everything it needs to defend itself and destroy the nuclear program.”

Hailey criticized the administration of the incumbent US president, and his efforts to negotiate with Iran and reach a compromise with the regime on its pursuit of nuclear weapons. “Due to America’s weakness, Iran is in the strongest position it has ever been. “Everyone knows what Iran wants: it wants nuclear weapons, it wants ballistic missiles to carry those nuclear weapons, and it wants to use missiles and nuclear weapons to destroy both Israel and America,” Haley said.

The former ambassador to Biden added: “The president is desperate to return to the nuclear deal with Iran. He made that clear, and he said he would do almost anything to get Iran’s religious leaders to sign the dashed line.”

Another criticism Hailey had of Biden was about his conduct during his recent trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia. She said Biden was too reluctant to commit to the idea that the U.S. would use military force to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons if diplomacy failed. She said it sounded “like a bluff” and was “embarrassing.”

Hailey, a former South Carolina governor, has rejected the Biden administration’s decision to provide financial assistance to the Palestinian Authority, which it says pays families of terrorists and thus uses U.S. tax dollars to attack its ally. She noted that most of the financial aid would go to the “antisemitic terrorist group”, UNRWA, which it described as one of the worst branches of the UN.

The former ambassador also said that Biden’s approach to the visit had mixed messages, which disrupted diplomatic progress in the region, adding: “The biggest fear of religious leaders in Iran is that America, Saudi Arabia and Israel will work together.”

Nicki Haley (Photo: Reuters)

Hailey referred to America, claiming that “Iran, North Korea, China and Russia were encouraged by the perception of US weakness due to its failures during its withdrawal from Afghanistan.” There would be no war in Ukraine. “

In addition to Haley, a number of American and Israeli speakers spoke at the conference. Among them were the American pastor and founder of CUFI, John Hagee, and the US Ambassador Michael Herzog.

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