Sometimes I sold vegetables and sometimes I took a loan to win a gold medal

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A Vegetable Vendor’s Journey to Gold: Tarun Sharma’s Inspiring Story

Sometimes, amidst the mundane, extraordinary stories emerge. Such is the tale of Tarun Sharma, a para-karate champion who brought glory ⁤to ⁤India by ‍securing​ a gold medal through his ⁣unwavering determination and resilience.

His journey began with a crippling paralysis attack‍ at the tender⁣ age of 6⁤ months. Doctors suggested karate as a means to improve his health.‌ Poverty became a significant hurdle, as his father, ​a⁢ vegetable vendor,⁢ could barely sustain the family. Undeterred,​ Tarun took on odd jobs during his school ⁢days to meet his expenses.

At 13, he tasted his first victory at the district level tournament. However, his struggles⁤ continued.‌ He​ had to take loans and mortgage ‍his ⁣house to ⁤fund his participation in⁣ various competitions.⁤ The loss of his father ‌further burdened him, but Tarun remained ‌undaunted.

Today, Tarun has⁣ amassed 18 medals ‍for‌ India, including golds at the Para Asian Championship and Para‍ World Championship. He now dedicates himself to mentoring ⁤underprivileged children, offering free karate ​training. His ultimate dream is‌ to establish a karate academy with a concrete roof.

Contact: 9613110009


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