Sonia Souid is considering a complaint against Noël Le Graët

by time news

A new pebble in the Le Graët Christmas shoe? On France Info this Thursday morning, Sonia Souid said she was now considering filing a complaint against the Breton leader. The players’ agent’s new intentions follow the aggressive defense presented by Le Graët and his two lawyers after the leader’s resignation on Tuesday.

The Le Graët camp thus qualified his testimony as “miraculous” and even a “set-up” when he provoked the opening of a judicial investigation against the former boss of the French Football Federation (FFF) .

On France Info this Thursday, she said she was “stunned” by these attacks and maintained her testimony on the inappropriate behavior of Le Graët during an invitation to her home in 2013 for an exchange on women’s football. She accuses the leader of inappropriate behavior towards her.

Souid, accuser of the former president of the French Football Federation (FFF) Noël Le Graët, defended herself on Wednesday of having been “remotely guided” in her speech, estimating to AFP to have “felt a form of harassment” on the part of the manager.

“Hearing that my testimony was a ‘set-up’ hurts me a lot. What do I have to gain from the story? Other than risking my career, my reputation? Talking about a subject that bruised me, that affected my dignity, it was only pain and suffering, ”explains the 37-year-old agent the day after the resignation of the 81-year-old entrepreneur.

“I wouldn’t take it on the phone”

At the beginning of January, the testimony of Sonia Souid with her face exposed to L’Equipe and BFM TV had weakened the leader of the FFF, already targeted by an audit carried out by the Ministry of Sports. Ms. Souid denounced the insistent attitude of Le Graët on the telephone or during business meetings.

“Since September, with the article in So Foot, I have realized that other women were concerned and victims of Mr. Le Graët’s inappropriate behavior,” she adds. I was hurt by Mr. Le Graët’s reaction. The thought ripened in my head. Resignation, yes, but did he apologize or did he have the slightest thought for the victims? I am in full reflection (for a complaint). »

What if the person concerned calls him directly to apologize personally? “I wouldn’t take him on the phone,” she concludes. To apologize, he has other ways to do it. I’m not the only person he could apologize to. He could do it publicly. He could apologize for the harm he may have done. »

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