Sonia Souid testifies to having been harassed for years

by time news

The players’ agent reiterated her accusations of harassment against the former FFF boss, describing one evening in particular.

By Isabelle Missiaen for Le Point

Noel Le Graet has resigned as president of the FFF, after several accusations of harassment.
Noël Le Graët has resigned as president of the FFF, after several accusations of harassment.
© Mathieu Pattier / Ouest-France / MAXPPP / PHOTOPQR/OUEST FRANCE/MAXPPP

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« LThe harassment lasted several years,” says Sonia Souid. The sports agent, a former volleyball player, was invited on Thursday March 2 on the France Info set to discuss her relationship with Noël Le Graët, who has just resigned from the management of the French Football Federation. This is not the first time that Sonia Souid has spoken on the subject: she was one of the women to speak out in the media to denounce the inappropriate behavior of the former president of the FFF.

For a long time, she did not even think of filing a complaint, afraid of the impact it would have on her career. But realizing, in recent months, that she had not been the only one to suffer from the harassment of Noël Le Graët, Sonia Souid finally spoke. On France Info, she lamented that despite the large number of accusations, the ex-boss never apologized: “Did he have the slightest thought for the victims? No, he denies it as a whole, ”she was annoyed.

Sonia Souid also suffered from seeing her word questioned, in particular by Noël Le Graët’s lawyer. “What would I have had to gain other than risk losing my career, my reputation? she pointed.

“Humiliated, hurt”

Sonia Souid returned at greater length to the story of a dinner to which she had been invited, as well as Brigitte Henriques, at the president of the FFF. The other guest having finally not come, the young woman then aged 29 had found herself face to face with her boss. “I arrive at the Parisian home, I see in his living room two glasses of champagne already served,” she says.

Later, “he takes off his suit jacket, he unbuttons the collar of his shirt, he is more and more slumped on his sofa, he spreads his legs and caresses his lower abdomen”. Sonia Souid describes “not normal gestures during a professional meeting”. She recounts having felt “humiliated, hurt in the depths of [son] to face its president who [lui] lack of respect “.

A witness voice message

“He never touched me, he never held me back, she says, but the harassment lasted several years. These are frequent calls and repeated invitations to dinner. Like this audio message from 2017, which she kept, and on which Noël Le Graët can be heard saying: “Sonia, I’m on my third bottle, third, and I’m waiting for you for the fourth . »

Today, Sonia Souid plans to file a complaint against Noël Le Graët. She encourages in any case “all the victims to express themselves”, insisting: “We must say stop, we can no longer let this pass. »READ ALSOCoignard – The grotesque fashion of “indenting”

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