Sony and Bungie will create a center of excellence for direct service once the acquisition is complete

by time news

One thing that got lost in Sony’s Investor Relations report last week and caught our attention by Reset, is the company’s plan to achieve its acquisition target, Bungie. While the deal isn’t finalized yet, the platform owner expects the ink to dry by the end of the year, and he’s already working on an integration plan for the Destiny developer.

Now, you know, the Japanese giant wants to use the studio’s expertise to help it drive live games, which it does intend to run 12 simultaneously by 2025. Currently, it’s working independently on these games within the PlayStation Studios infrastructure, but intends to integrate all of Bungie’s knowledge In all its operations after about a year.

The goal is to create a new internal department called the SIE Live Service Center of Excellence, which can leverage all live service addresses to ensure best practices are followed. It’s worth remembering that Bungie will maintain its independence and will be the same as they will continue to release their own games on all platforms, but it will also play an active role in shaping the philosophy behind Sony’s live service projects.

Interestingly, the platform owner wants to learn from Bungie within three months of closing the deal, so here it is clear that they greatly value the design principles that helped shape and grow the games. Destiny. Finally, the SIE Live Service Center of Excellence will be responsible for reviewing critical aspects such as monetization of incoming and outgoing titles.

It’s clear that a large portion of the PlayStation fan base is very much into this new live service approach, although it’s important to remember that none of the games have been announced yet – they could be amazing. Maintaining live service titles is notoriously difficult, so it seems the company is at least taking things seriously if that’s the business model they intend to put their flag on.

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“A social media addict. Zombie fanatic. Likes to travel. obsessed with music. Bacon expert.

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