Sony has patented a system from Death Stranding

by time news
Sony has filed a patent for a lane or road construction system that is remarkably similar to the system in the game, Sony’s former exclusive Death Stranding, and ostensibly takes one of the game’s more intriguing features to Sony. The patent, filed by Sony in 2019, lists Hideo Kojima as an inventor, and the patent summary describes the invention as “space radar and gradual construction of a track in a virtual video game environment.”

Although the patent itself does not mention the game Death Stranding in its name, the meaning of the patent may be that Sony and Kojima may be thinking of another title for Death Stranding. However, it is difficult to know given that the patent application was filed even before the game was published. Sony filed the patent application back in 2019, but it was only recently approved on December 7, 2021. It could be that this action was probably to keep a smart and rare idea in today’s industry. At the very least, it seems that other developers will not be able to use any of the features explicitly described without risking a lawsuit from Sony.

Death Stranding is largely a single player game, although the title does not have a multiplayer mode where players can collaborate or compete directly, but there is a certain connection between individual players, expressed through the changes and development of the virtual world. One of Death Stranding’s goals is to expand infrastructures like electricity or roads in the post-apocalyptic world, and to connect isolated areas of survivors. The player uses resources to establish, upgrade and repair tracks between shelters. It starts with simple bridges over rivers, and ends with futuristic highways

Parts of this vast infrastructure eventually reach other people’s worlds. In this way, players help each other, despite the lack of direct interaction. In your world, there is simply a freeway built by another person that you can use conveniently. All thanks to a system that connects the unique environments of the players in a network of changes and dependencies.

Death Stranding was launched in November 2019 and is available for purchase on the PC and PlayStation 4. It has received generally positive reviews for its creative gameplay, although for the players the opinions were more divided. The director’s version, The Death Stranding: Director’s Cut, was released for the PlayStation 5 a few months ago. On November 21st


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