Soon a new place to repair and listen to women victims of violence

by time news

One hundred and thirteen women killed by their spouse or ex-spouse in 2021 and already sixteen since January 1, according to the macabre count of the collective “Féminicides by companions or ex”. The numbers are chilling. But they only testify to the paroxysm of domestic violence suffered by more than 220,000 women in France each year. In Rennes, the Asfad association has been at the bedside of these women who suffer in silence after being raped, beaten or harassed in their married or family life for more than 35 years.

But victims’ voices are gradually being released, as evidenced by the 1,800 calls received last year on the association’s hotline, which is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For emergency situations, Asfad also responsible for bringing these women and their children, who are often co-victims, to safety in apartments or hotels. At 146 rue de Lorient, the day center also offers social and legal support. “The question of the emancipation of these women is very important, particularly through their professional integration”, underlines Maëlle Daniaud, general manager of the association.

Caregivers, social workers and legal professionals together

In a little over a year, in June 2023, Asfad will move to a new place of reception, listening and care on the site of the South Hospital. Inspired by the experience of the Maison des femmes in Saint-Denis or Citadelles in Nantes, this project is jointly carried out by the association, the CHU and the city of Rennes, which voted Monday evening at the municipal council for a grant 1.3 million euros to finance its construction. “We are not starting from scratch on the issue of the fight against violence against women with many actors who are already working in the territory, indicates Geneviève Letourneux, adviser delegate for women’s rights and the fight against discrimination. But there was a shared observation that better support was needed. »

The approach is thus intended to be multidisciplinary with a team that will be made up of caregivers, social workers and legal professionals in order to offer “hand-made support to these women who need proximity, availability and respect for their temporality. », specifies Maëlle Daniaud.

“Allow these women to rebuild themselves”

Located on the hospital site, this future place will thus allow rapid care for women victims of sexual mutilation or wishing to have an abortion. Imagined as a cocoon, the structure will also offer living or resting spaces with the possibility of depositing belongings, washing clothes and cooking. “It has to be reassuring, comfortable and pleasant to allow these women to rebuild themselves”, underlines the director general of Asfad.

Various individual or collective activities will also be offered to free speech or regain self-confidence, in particular through well-being or psycho-corporal workshops. When it opens, the reception area will occupy a space of 380 m² at the entrance to the South Hospital before moving, like all the establishment’s activities, to the Pontchaillou site.

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