Soon no need to consult to obtain a medical certificate

by time news

Doctors spend between 1h30 and 2h per week filling out medical certificates for nursery, school, sports… without any real medical justification. Kzenon /

The Minister of Health announced 15 measures on Wednesday to reduce the administrative paperwork weighing on doctors and give them back their time.

Medical certificates for the nursery, for school, for sport, without any real medical justification and yet demanded all the time… Doctors spend on average between 1 hour 30 minutes and 2 hours each week. So much wasted time. Health Minister François Braun announced on Wednesday that the “rules for requesting a medical certificate will be clarified before the end of the first quarter of 2023» so that the latter becomes «an exception».

Traveling to Valenciennes, François Braun unveiled 15 measures to reduce the administrative tasks weighing on private doctors and give them back medical time. The Minister of Health and Prevention took up the conclusions of the flash mission entrusted at the beginning of January to Doctor Jacques Franzoni and Pierre Albertini, who conducted more than 60 interviews and analyzed the contributions of more than 900 doctors. Medicare immediately reacted to affirm that it would do everything possible “so that each of these measures materializes as quickly as possible to facilitate the daily exercise of private doctors, for the benefit of the care of French men and women».

Among these 15 measures, there is also a simplification of the transmission of supporting documents to Health Insurance. In order to tend towards thezero paper», a reliable dematerialized transmission solution will be implemented with Health Insurance before the end of the year. The vital card application on smartphone (ApCV) will be gradually rolled out from this year to limit patients forgetting their vital card, and thus avoid all transmissions of supporting documents in paper format.

The Minister also promised to facilitate the administrative management of patients with long-term illnesses (ALD). François Braun declared himself in favor of the validity of rights in long-term conditions being granted for life for irreversible pathologies and announced that he would refer the matter to HAS by the end of the month on this subject, and more generally on the updating of the different durations linked to the pathologies giving right to 100% coverage.

The gate “Ameli Pro» used daily by doctors will be enriched to facilitate its use and simplify its interface with the medical software used by practitioners. The ministry also imagines supporting professionals through the intervention of digital health delegates, sent by health insurance to facilitate the deployment of digital Ségur. On this point, not sure that professionals really see it as a simplification.

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