“Soon the law”. What it is and where it already exists – time.news

by time news

2023-05-24 11:20:58

Of Claudius Del Frate

the right of those who have recovered from cancer not to reveal information about their health history in order not to suffer discrimination. The 2022 resolution of the European Parliament and the draft law

Soon we too will have a law on the right to the oncological oblo: iHealth Minister Orazio Schillaci in an interview with the newspaper La Stampa he announced his intention to bring Italy into line with other European countries on a theme to protect those who are sick with cancer. Even the Corriere had raised the subject a few days ago, inspired by a similar provision that Spain is preparing to launch. But what is the oncological porthole and where are we in Italy?

* What is meant by oncological oblo?

I am not my tumor the slogan that summarizes the legal concept. In Italy, but also in many other countries, it still happens today that when signing an employment relationship, an insurance policy, a financial contract with a bank, people are asked if they have had cancer. A clause that ends up imposing more onerous conditions or discrimination to those who have already suffered from serious illnesses but recovered. The oncological porthole therefore the right of the former patient to Do not reveal information about your health history or (seen from the other side) the prohibition to investigate this aspect of the private sphere.

* Where does this type of law already exist?

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez a few days ago announced that by the end of June his government will introduce the cancer oblo. The text of the law was drafted in agreement with cancer patients’ associations. In this way, Spain joins a group of states that already protect this right: they are France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and Portugal. Banking and insurance operators are prevented from considering the consumer’s medical history.

* What has the European Parliament established?

On February 16, 2022, the Strasbourg assembly voted a resolution which draws common lines for the fight against cancer. Paragraph 125 of this resolution requests that by 2025at the latest, all Member States guarantee the right to be forgotten to all European patients ten years after the end of treatment and up to five years after the end of treatment for patients diagnosed before 18 years of age.

*Where are we in Italy?

At the end of the past legislature, Italy too began to address the problem. been presented a bill signed by representatives of several parties: among others Maria Elena Boschi (Italia Viva), Lorenzo Guerini (Pd), Cristina Rossello (Forza Italia). The text calls for the right of people who have been affected by oncological pathology to not be discriminated against in accessing adoption of minors and banking and insurance services when ten years have passed without recidivism. As announced by the minister Tell us the text will arrive to the social affairs committee of the Chamber.

* How many people will the right to be paid be affected?

The minister said that today in Italy one million people healed from cancer. There are 3.6 million sick people. Second data released by the Airc (Italian cancer research association) In Europe, more than 8 out of 10 cases of cancer are cured. 87% of women and 70% of men. The same for skin melanomas. Heals over 60% they are also found for breast, uterus, prostate, and Hodgkin’s lymphomas. At 50% the chances for neoplasms of the liver, pancreas, lung.

May 24, 2023 (change May 24, 2023 | 11:20 am)

#law #exists #time.news

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