Sor Kor. 12 Songkhla warns 7 lower southern provinces to beware of rabies

by time news

The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 12, Songkhla Province, warns people in 7 lower southern provinces to beware of rabies. Deadly infection. If bitten by a dog, cat, scratch, seek immediate medical attention for vaccination. Advise to adhere to the 3 principles of rabies prevention.

Rabies situation in health zone 12 between October 1, 2021 to September 19, 2022 in Songkhla and Phatthalung provinces. Rabies from dogs, cats, and cattle was detected in 20 heads. Rabies was found in 16 heads in Songkhla province, followed by 4 in Phatthalung province. In 2018, rabies died from rabies. In Songkhla, Trang and Phatthalung provinces, 4 cases were caused by owned and unowned animals. All the patients who died were not vaccinated after being bitten by an animal.

Dr. Chalermphon Osotphonma, director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Control 12, Songkhla Province, said that due to the increasing trend of rabies in the health zone 12, Sor. Sor. 12 Songkhla cares about people’s brothers and sisters and warns if bitten by a dog or cat. Scratched within the past 6 months Whether it’s a small wound or a large wound, don’t be complacent. Gently wash the affected area of ​​the dog or cat’s bite thoroughly with soap and water. And put a disinfectant on the wound (Betadine). Then observe the symptoms of the dog and cat for at least 10 days and seek medical attention immediately for vaccination if the dog or cat has symptoms similar to rabies or death. contact the local livestock to send animal carcasses to be tested for infection Currently, the whole body can be transmitted without cutting off the head at the Southern Veterinary Research and Development Center, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. Most patients, after being infected, will develop symptoms after 7 days or a year.

Sor Kor. 12 Songkhla recommends people’s brothers and sisters to protect Rabies is based on the 3 principles of rabies, which is the first po, which is to prevent animals from diseases. by vaccinating animals The first time when the pet is 2 – 4 months old and repeat the stimulation 1 time at 6 months or 1 year of age, or as scheduled by the doctor. And the next year, repeated stimulation injections once a year, every year, including permanent sterilization in order not to have more dogs than they need.

The second flap is to prevent bites. without letting the dog and cat go outside alone If they have to be taken outside, wear a leash. People can avoid being bitten by the 5th spell, namely: 1. Don’t tease the dog to get angry 2. Don’t step on the tail, head, body, legs, or startle dogs or other animals 3. Do not isolate the biting dog with your bare hands; 4. Do not pick up the rice bowl or move food while the dog is eating; or do not know the history

The 3rd flap protects after being bitten. by washing the wound with soap and water Gently for at least 15 minutes, then apply a wound disinfectant (betadine) and seek immediate medical attention. to consider vaccination against rabies And if vaccinated, must complete a complete set of vaccinations and follow a doctor’s appointment. However, when being bitten by an animal and not going to get vaccinated. If there are symptoms of the disease, almost everyone will die. Because there is currently no drug used for treatment. But rabies is a vaccine-prevented disease. Emphasis is on “washing the wound, putting on medicine, quarantining the dog, finding a doctor and vaccinating it.”

If in doubt about rabies For more information, please call 1422 Hotline Department of Disease Control.

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