Sore feet, stretch marks and running short of breath don’t avoid these signs that will tell you that you are gaining weight | Weight Gain Signs: Do you feel pain in your legs and shortness of breath? Don’t ignore it, this could be the reason

by time news

Most people today have a clear vision when it comes to fitness. If you gain a little weight or have a bloated stomach, everyone goes straight to the gym or does some other exercise to lose weight. Once overweight, it can lead to many life-threatening diseases. Weight gain can lead to chronic and sometimes life-threatening conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Your body will often tell you that you are gaining weight.

Let’s see what are the signs of weight gain…

If you find it difficult to do routine household chores, it means that you are gaining weight. Excess body fat may make you feel tired and uncomfortable.

Increased addiction

Craving for sweets is a sign of weight gain. Being overweight can make you stressed and depressed. Often it will increase your appetite. When you are stressed or depressed, the adrenal glands release a hormone called cortisol, which increases appetite.

Cholesterol increases

High blood sugar and high cholesterol means you are gaining weight. A study conducted by researchers from the American Heart Association suggested that high blood pressure in healthy adults may be due to a small amount of weight around the abdominal area.

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Waist increases

Are your jeans out of shape? If so, it means weight gain. When you gain weight, fat is first stored in your hips and stomach. Research conducted by the Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio found that people who sit at the office all day are the first to gain weight.

joint pain

If your joints ache, it means it’s time to lose weight. Excess fat can put pressure on the joints and weaken the tissue around them, causing pain and inflammation.

shortness of breath

If you feel short of breath just after walking a short distance or climbing a few stairs, it could be a sign that you are overweight. Being overweight can put pressure on your cardiovascular system, leading to shortness of breath. The heart will not be able to supply your body with the oxygen it needs.


Do you prefer the elevator to the stairs? It is a warning. What you need to understand is that your weight is increasing.

Night snoring

If you snore at night and rarely get a good night’s sleep, you may have sleep apnea. Irregular breathing can disrupt your sleep. Excess body weight leads to this condition. This is because when fat hits your neck, it narrows the airway and makes breathing difficult.

Stretch marks

Excess fat can cause the tissue beneath your skin to stretch. Some people get stretch marks when they gain a little weight.

Water in the leg

Your feet bear the entire weight of your body. If those feet are oozing and painful, it means gaining weight. Inflammation is caused by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. This fluid accumulates mostly in the feet.

(Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on common beliefs and information.)

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