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by time news

Gideon Saar expressed his criticism of Prime Minister Netanyahu and his government last night at Ofira and Barko. He accused them of attempting to place themselves above the law. Danny Danon also criticized the Netanyahu government, referred to as a joke, during his review at Ofira and Berkovic. Sa’ar urged the sane voices within Likud to act responsibly against the legislation and not let fateful decisions turn Israel into a different state. He even shared a personal confession, revealing that he left Likud years ago because he saw where Netanyahu was leading the party. David Bitan also expressed dissatisfaction and warned of the collapse of the economy under Bibi’s leadership.

Sa’ar called for a rebellion in Likud among reasonable voices in the party. He criticized Defense Minister Gallant’s lack of leadership and courage during the crisis, suspecting that Netanyahu silenced him before making his announcement. Sa’ar also acknowledged the ombudsman’s rebuke of Netanyahu and warned that anyone who violates a conflict of interest is open to criminal investigation. He urged Netanyahu to stop the legislation and show that the good of the people comes before his personal prestige.

“All Bibi and his government are trying to do is put themselves above the law,” he described last night (Friday) Gideon Saar At Ofira and Barko the government headed by Netanyahu.

Danny Danon exposed the joke called the Netanyahu government at Ofira and Berkovic Review
Barko surpassed himself last night, but the solution he proposed to the crisis is far from “meteoric”

When Ofira and Barko pressed him and asked what would happen if the High Court rejected the laws they would enact, Sa’ar replied that “then this is a government that behaves like a criminal organization, which not only violates a court order, but wants to take over the election of judges.” Sa’ar calls for the sane voices within the Likud , such as Gallant, Edelstein, Dichter and Nir Barkat, who will act responsibly and not lift a finger when fateful decisions are made that will turn Israel into a different state.

He could also add to the same list David Bitan, who is showing signs of dissatisfaction and already announced last week that if all the warnings of the top officials of the economy about the collapse of the economy, and the warnings of senior Shin Bet and security officials, come true, then “the Likud will end its career.” This is what Bitan said honestly and sincerely. Therefore, I will not be surprised if he joins the opponents of the coup, at the decisive moment. Unless he is, he will be guaranteed a fat and tempting role.

Even if Sa’ar did not say these things explicitly, he actually called for a rebellion in Likud on the part of those reasonable voices in the party. In his persuasion attempts to revolt against the legislation, Sa’ar resorted to the tactic of exposing emotions that usually does not characterize him, and in a moment of personal confession that we have never heard from him, he told why he left the Likud years ago, because he saw where Netanyahu was leading the Likud. According to him, those people in Likud who are afraid to raise their voices today, still do not really understand what is happening to their party under Bibi’s leadership, which he himself understood and predicted years ago.

And as for Minister Gallant who was about to announce that dramatic evening, that he wants to stop the legislation, and at the last moment Vendem fell silent. I wonder what happened in the room, just before his announcement in the media, in the conversation between him and Netanyahu? If indeed Bibi caused him to be silenced, then who asked for a dictatorship and gagging and didn’t get it? One can only guess that Bibi asked him to shut up. Some will say that the prime minister was afraid that he would lose his rival Levin who keeps threatening that the government will fall if his dream of reform does not come true.

Personally, I suspect that Netanyahu sensed that Gallant was going to steal the show for him if he was portrayed as someone who only cared about the fate of the country and the terrible divide that befell it. In other words, Bibi didn’t want anyone else in Likud, besides him, to take the crowns for standing up and taking action to prevent the rift in the nation, while he, Netanyahu, ran away to England.

In any case, they say that a person can lose his world in an instant, or gain it, and here, both personalities, both Netanyahu and Gallant lost their world in an instant. If Bibi had announced in his speech that he was stopping the legislation because only the good of the country was in front of his eyes, he would have gone back to being the Bibi of old, also appreciated by the world which today shows clear signs that he is renouncing him, also in Berlin, London and the USA.

And if Gallant gave up at the last moment and retreated with his tail between his legs, I’m not sure that cowardice is a character trait suitable for a defense minister, in a country that is threatened by so many security dangers. Here he was given a golden opportunity to prove real leadership and he completely missed it. Here he was also given an opportunity to climb to the top of the pyramid ladder in Likud and maybe even stand at its head one day, because people value courage and determination and in my estimation more and more Likudniks would support him. Unless, Gallant is not endowed with a crazy ambition to reach the top and stay there forever like Netanyahu.

Ophira claimed that Gallant must have monitored and that “the token has already fallen for him” and she predicts that in the coming days he will announce a halt to the legislative process. Gideon Sa’ar also trusts Gallant to behave this way because he is responsible for the People’s Army and if that army begins to disintegrate, Gallant has no choice but to prevent the deterioration.

Personally, I doubt Gallant’s ability to shrink his waist and testicles and show true courage, after running away from the political battlefield, precisely at the moment when an entire country held its breath and wished that someone would finally bring balm and calm to its deep wound. And if such an announcement does not come from his side, just before the hourglass runs out and the new delusional laws go into effect, then the position of Minister of Defense is bigger than Gallant by several virtues.

An interesting moment was seen last night with Ofira and Barko, when Gideon Sa’ar was asked if the letter of rebuke of the ombudsman published after Bibi’s speech held any water, if in any case Levin’s rival and others in Likud show complete disdain for her, Sa’ar replied in a tone, as if he was hiding some secret: “I would not underestimate what Gali Bahar-Miara wrote and published.”

At this moment, I could see the curiosity lights go on in Ophira who was looking for a title and demanded a storm to clarify things. Sa’ar very willingly, immediately volunteered an explanation and an unequivocal ruling that anyone who violates a conflict of interest, as Netanyahu did, is a violation of the law that is opened in a criminal investigation. In addition to this, Bibi will be exposed to another offense related to contempt of court.

If this is the face of things, and I trust the professionalism of Gideon Sa’ar as the former Minister of Justice and his vast experience, I would ask Netanyahu: What happened to you? Are you missing trouble and trials? Why don’t you stop this crazy legislation? What the hell will happen if you stop, to allow conversation? Levin’s opponent will grow freckles on his nose from too many nerves? Even if according to you and according to your friends in Likud, the other side is not interested in negotiations, why don’t you spare your honor, be the man and pick up the gauntlet, and prove to everyone that the good of the people comes before your own good and your personal prestige, and you will gain world fame and finally be invited to the White House with great honor and glory.

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