Sotoda Forotan: The Influential Afghan Girl In The World | World | Deshabhimani

by time news

London> 15-year-old Sotoda Forotan from Afghanistan is one of the most influential women in the world in 2021. Sotoda was credited with raising the voice of girls’ right to education without fear of the Taliban taking over the country. Sothoda has been nominated by Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai for the Financial Times list.

When the Taliban came to power, students from the seventh grade onwards were barred from attending school. Sothoda’s outspokenness on social media during a public rally in Herat province. In Herat, girls were allowed to go to school. The Financial Times picks the ‘Woman of the Year’ every year.

Leading figures were asked to nominate 25 people from different sectors this year. Also on the list is Ngosi Okonjo Ivala, head of the World Trade Organization, Geeta Gopinath, head of the IMF, and Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the US House of Representatives.

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