South Korea bans the consumption of dog meat

by time news

2024-01-09 17:32:50 – Within three years in South Korea it will be forbidden to consume dog meat, which is very widespread in the national culinary tradition, and anyone who commits infringements will risk up to three years in prison. This is provided for by a historic law approved unanimously by the South Korean Parliament. The legislative provision provides for heavy sanctions for those who breed, have killed, or sell dogs for food purposes, with a prison sentence ofup to three years and a fine of approximately 20 thousand euros.

Relief and great applause for the law, welcomed as “a historic turning point” by the political class and environmentalist associations, who have been engaged for years in a legal and media battle against the breeding and consumption of dog meat. “There will no longer be any reason to treat us like a dog-eating country,” declared Thae Yong-ho, a deputy from the majority party, who originated the text.

“It breaks my heart to think of the millions of dogs for whom change comes too late, but I’m glad that South Korea can close this miserable chapter in our history and look forward to a dog-friendly future,” JungAh reacted. Chae, executive director of Humane Society International/Korea. According to estimates by animal rights activists, in the country the slaughter of dogs for food could reach up to one million specimens per year, included in the menus of all restaurants.

Dog meat has long been a part of South Korean cuisine, but its consumption has decreased dramatically in recent years and more and more citizens are adopting pets. Eating dog meat has already become a taboo, especially among young people, so pressure on the government to adopt legislation on the matter has increased in recent times. The vote of the deputies is the culmination of a process of awareness and political attention on the topic.

President Yoon Suk Yeol, elected in 2022, is an avowed animal lover: has adopted several stray dogs and cats with the first lady, Kim Keon Hee, a very critical voice on the consumption of that type of meat. His predecessor Moon Jae-in, also known for his affection for dogs, had already cautiously suggested banning their consumption in 2021.

The former president was the owner of three dogs, including Tory, a mixed-breed mutt adopted from a shelter, the first to be saved from the fate of slaughter for food consumption, when he entered the Blue House, the presidential palace, with full honors. So far, previous ban attempts have been opposed by strong opposition from breeders, a veritable lobby at the head of around 1,100 dog breeders. In fact, the bill also provides compensation so that companies can withdraw from trading.

For the Animal Liberation Wave association, today’s vote must be “a starting point for the liberation of dogs, but also to consider other standards and a future for other animal species subject to industrial exploitation, such as cows, pigs, chickens”.

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