South Tyrolean Politics Against Schools for Migrants Only – News

by times news cr

BOLZANO. “Schools must be inclusive to be successful. Creating special classes would not lead to the desired results anyway and, moreover, they are not foreseen by the law or by the coalition agreement.”

The South Tyrolean governor says so Arno Kompatscher regarding the class with only ‘non-Germans’ at the Goethe elementary school in Bolzano. The president of the autonomous province instead breaks a lance for preparatory interviews and for dialogue that “are needed to find targeted and considered solutions, in the interest of everyone: of the class and of the student”.

Kompatscher recalls that the Province is already intervening in schools with the most problematic situations by assigning more support and language teachers, “but certainly not by creating special classes”. “The school – he continues – wants to be inclusive with differently abled students and this also applies to those who have special language learning needs”. Kompatscher, finally, says he is “perfectly in line” with the competent councilor Achammer. “With populism we are not going anywhere”, he concludes.

The deputy too Alessandro Urzì, group leader of Fratelli d’Italia in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Chamber he agreed with Kompatscher’s position, as well as with Anpi and Verdi, that is, against the idea of ​​the Goethe school: “Physically separating people, and in particular physically separating children, does not create a sense of participation in a common destiny but a sense of separateness which, being physical, also distances culturally”.

This, Urzì observes, “is exactly the opposite of what we need today, that is, the ability to educate for authentic inclusion from the very first generations”. “We need children who grow in linguistic and personal relationships inside and outside of school with our young people to make their own Western values ​​and reference models that can only be such if practiced also through the school contacts that are acquired when for the first time one learns to know school as a school of life”, the FdI deputy then concluded.

Also various Sara Ferrari, member of the Democratic Party of Trentino Alto Adige and Irene Manzi, group leader in the education commission of the Chamber of Deputies and national school manager of the Democratic Partyhave taken a staunch stance in the episode: “The story of the Bolzano school institute in which the headmistress thought it a good idea to compose a class of only students of foreign origin, because these were not they harm to native German speakers, possibly slowing down their learning process, tells us how, at times, autonomy, both scholastic and institutional, can be used arbitrarily and not to do better.

“In this case we hope that it will be possible to review this decision that is absolutely contrary to the Constitution, the same one that guarantees the autonomy statute of Trentino Alto Adige and that in article 3 recognizes equality of rights between different people, while here they are harmed by an evident clear racial discrimination. All pedagogists and those who really live and work in the world of school know perfectly well that cultural plurality is a wealth, which benefits all students. A plurality that must be accompanied with specific measures, with the presence of language teachers, with educational community initiatives that actually favor a real and positive integration. Addressing the critical issues to resolve them, rather than aggravating them with the creation of ghetto classes, which promote a society based on the division of class and origin”.

2024-08-28 21:07:29

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