Space, the ASI celebrates the first National Day with Colao, Messa and Saccoccia

by time news

The first National Space Day is born in Italy and is celebrated tomorrow, December 16, at the headquarters of the Italian Space Agency in Rome, in memory of the launch of the first Italian satellite San Marco 1, which took place on 15 December 1964. This launch allowed Italy to be among the very first countries in the world to overcome the earth’s atmosphere. National Space Day was established with a directive from the President of the Council of Ministers of 14 October which landed in the Official Gazette on 18 November last. National Space Day was born on the proposal of the minister for technological innovation and digital transition, Vittorio Colao, delegate for space and aerospace policies.

The target of the establishment of the National Day “is to raise awareness and retain Italian citizens in space activities, in terms of growth, well-being, image and international role of our country”, for this reason, ASI explains, all the national realities have been called to take action, in the context of their various competences, in the organization of communication and awareness-raising initiatives on the space sector. Tomorrow the minister for technological innovation and digital transition with responsibility for space and aerospace policies, Vittorio Colao, the minister of university and research, Maria Cristina Messa will take part in the first celebration at the ASI headquarters. Colao and Messa are welcomed in the Auditorium of the Agency by the president of ASI Giorgio Saccoccia to open an intense day of work.

Throughout Italy, research bodies, universities, museums and companies from all over the peninsula are involved in participating in the first National Space Day, with their own initiatives. which also open their doors to the general public with different activities throughout the day. The Italian Space Agency inaugurates the National Space Day also with a program dedicated to schools and beyond.

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