Spain and France work together to commemorate the Year of Picasso

by time news





April 8, 2023 will be the fiftieth anniversary of Pablo Picasso’s death. The Spanish and French authorities have wanted to organize a great transnational event during 2023 to commemorate his work and his artistic legacy in France, Spain and internationally. In this regard, and in order to coordinate the celebration of Picasso 1973-2023, the French and Spanish authorities, in response to the commitment agreed at the XXVI Franco-Spanish Summit in Montauban (March 15, 2021), have created a bilateral commission specifically, formed by representatives of the Ministries of Culture and Foreign Affairs of both countries and by qualified personalities: Cécile Debray, president of the National Picasso Museum in Paris; Bernard Ruiz-Picaso, president of the Almine and Bernard Ruiz-Picasso Foundation for Art and coordinator of the Picasso 1973-2023 celebration for France; and José Guirao, former Minister of Culture and Sports, coordinator of the Picasso celebration for Spain.

This binational commission met for the first time on February 28, 2022 to start the work between the two governments and the general coordination with the cultural institutions involved in the organization of the events linked to this celebration. The celebration of Picasso 1973-2023 will be structured around some forty exhibitions and events which will be held mainly in Europe and North America. It will also be an opportunity to develop a historiographical study of the approaches to Picasso’s work.

This binational commission will vindicate the figure of Picasso as a universal and Europeanist artist, which embodies the founding principles of Europe, made up of democratic states, defenders of human rights and freedom of expression. The ‘Guernica’ has become the greatest anti-war symbol in our modern history on an international level. Today, Picasso’s legacy and his commitment to the pacifist cause are a great reference for European citizens.

The Ministers of Culture and Foreign Affairs of both countries welcome the holding of this first meeting of the bilateral commission and the great commitment of all the parties involved in this project, which will make the Picasso Celebration 1973-2023 one of the main European and international cultural events in the coming years.

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