Spain sees wars and hunger as main problems

by time news

2023-11-29 01:55:04

Spanish citizens place wars, hunger and climate change as the three main problems in the world within 10 years, according to the Social trends survey (1) published this November 27 by the Center for Sociological Research (CIS).

Specifically, wars are the main problem for 33.6% of those surveyed, followed by hunger, lack of food, scarcity or shortages (for 27.7%) while in third place is climate change. and global warming (26.5%).

Next, Spaniards cite other problems such as unemployment (17.6%); the economic crisis (13.5%); water, droughts or desertification (12%), immigration (11.3%), rising prices or shortages of energy (8.3%), overpopulation (8%) or inequalities between countries and continents (7.4%).

On the other hand, 82.5% believe that, in the next decade, there will be more loneliness or isolation in Spain; 76.3% of Spaniards believe that there will be more interest in health and personal care; 64.5% believe that there will be more separations and divorces; 41.3%, more free time for leisure; 19.2%, people who are accomplished or enjoy their work; 18.5%, family care for the elderly; 7.4%, more births and 6.4%, more relationship with family or family ties.

Deterioration of the environment in Spain

Asked if, in ten years, there will be more deterioration of the environment in Spain than at present, 55.8% of Spaniards believe so and 44.3% believe that in the next decade there will be more racism and xenophobia in Spain. In this sense, 84.7% say that there will be more robots that replace workers and 78.9%, people teleworking at home.

Furthermore, 58.2% believe that in a country like Spain there will be fewer religious beliefs than now; 61.1% believe that there will be more interest in material things; 58%, more interest in their own success; 57.6%, more sexual freedom; 63.4%, more violence; 80.7%, more women in positions of responsibility; and 70.1%, more integration of people with disabilities.

In global terms, 74.4% of Spaniards believe that there will be more people who emigrate from poor countries to rich ones; 64.4%, that inequalities between poor and rich countries will be greater; 51.7%, that there will be more wars and international conflicts; and 27%, that the effectiveness of the United Nations will be less.

Social and economic changes in the next decade

Regarding the groups with which they identify, 45.7% of Spaniards indicate those people of the same age and generation; 29.4%, to those who have the same hobbies, tastes or fashions; 22%, to those who have the same profession and job; another 22%, to those who have the same political ideas; and 13%, to those of the same social class.

Regarding the object (artifact, device, machine) that identifies and symbolizes the current era in the first place, 58.8% refers to the mobile phone or smartphone; 39.5% to a computer or laptop; and 14.2% cite the car, the automotive industry, the electric and hybrid car. 70.3% of Spaniards expect many or quite a few social and economic changes in the next decade, of which 42.7% believe that they are positive or very positive.

References (1)Social trends survey. CIS.
#Spain #sees #wars #hunger #main #problems

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