Spain: Two activists stick their hands on the frame of a Goya at the Prado Museum

by time news

History repeats itself, only works and countries change. Activists stuck their hands on the frame of a Goya at the Prado Museum on Saturday.

The two activists did not damage the paintings, but tagged “+1.5°C” on the wall between the two works, in reference to the warming objective set by the international community. They were arrested and taken into custody, police said.

Repeated shock actions

To denounce climate inaction, the new supporters of civil disobedience have been carrying out shock actions for several weeks: works of art sprinkled with soup, sports competitions interrupted, roads blocked. On October 23, environmental activists from the Letzte Generation movement (Last generation) had already glued themselves to the wall under “Les Meules” by Claude Monet.

These militant collectives are called Just Stop Oil in the United Kingdom, Ultima Generazione in Italy, or Last Renovation in France. Members of the A22 Network, present in eleven Western countries and financed by the Climate Emergency Fund, they decline an emergency demand at the national level: thermal renovation in France, forest fires in Australia, the exit from fossil fuels in Norway.

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