Spain will train half a hundred Ukrainian soldiers in the handling of Leopards

by time news

As important as the name of Leopard 2 tanks that I can send Spain a Ukraine for the country to defend itself from the aggression of Russia is the formation of the crew that will handle them in the war and his maintenance. This is what the Minister of Defense says, Daisy Robleswho this Tuesday participates in Brussels in the coordination meeting of the contact group for the defense of Ukraine and the subsequent ministerial meeting of the Atlantic Alliance. Robles has not specified the number of Leopard 2A4 tank units that the Government will send, but he has announced that in the coming days they will arrive between 50 and 55 Ukrainian military to receive training and that the final shipment on the ground will be at the end of March.

“Spain has already said that it will cooperate and send, in collaboration with its allies, but several things must be taken into account: that Spain will send [Leopard] 2A4, which had been in disuse in Zaragoza for a long time and some were in a deplorable condition that necessitated the repair. Some have begun to repair and we will see when defining the total number what is necessary in coordination with other countries”, he pointed out from the headquarters of NATOwhere new military contributions are analyzed this Tuesday in the face of the end of winter and the beginning of spring, which presents itself with “very, very worrying” perspectives, Robles admitted.

According to the minister, as important as the number of battle tanks that they send to the Ukrainian front is the training of the crews and the maintenance and availability of spare parts. “Today we continue to make progress in the coordination between all the donor countries to see what total number will be contributed and Spain, within the limitations we have and the availabilities we have with respect to [Leopard] 2A4 and that can be the object of an adequate repair, will contribute”, he added, and noted that the shipments will be carried out “prudently and in coordination with partners and allies”. For example, interoperability with other countries that have other models such as Challenger (Calculating Unit) i Abrams (United States). Spain is part of one coalition of countries which have shown their readiness to send Leopard combat tanks and in which they also appear Germany, Poland, Canada, Portugal, Norway, Denmark and Holland.

Two months of training

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The minister also explained that during this week or the beginning of next week they will begin to receive Ukrainian military personnel to receive training on the use and maintenance because these are combat tanks that require “daily maintenance”. In total, they expect between 50 and 55 military personnel who will be added to the 300 who have already received specialized military training. Military experts estimate that the time frame for training already experienced crews ranges from two months to two and a half months, which means that the final shipment on the ground will be at the end of March. “Everything suggests that at the end of March or the beginning of April everything could be completed”, said Robles.

What Spain rules out is sending the combat aircraft that Ukraine has been asking for in recent weeks. “We do not have them and, therefore, it does not fall within Spain’s military capabilities”, he said with reference to the F-16s requested by the Government of Volodímir Zelenski. It is a debate that allied countries face with great caution. “It is true that they [el Govern ucraïnès] they have also requested F-16 [avions de combat] and this is also something we take very seriously. Of course, it is a complex weapon system and we have to discuss it with our partners – also with the United States – and we have to think about the feasibility, and it is something that will take time”, explained the Dutch Minister of Defense, Kajsa Ollongrenupon his arrival at the meeting that will address this Tuesday and Wednesday the situation in Ukraine, the increase in ammunition production capacity as well as the protection of critical infrastructure.

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