Spanish driving licence: the essential language to pass your practical test

by time news

Getting a driving licence in Spain (get your driving license in Spain) can be a fairly challenging task for foreigners.

There’s having to memorise Spain’s specific road laws, the big difference in prices between driving schools depending on where you are and, last but not least, understanding Spain’s driving lingo.

Although Spain’s Directorate General for Traffic (DGT) does offer the possibility of taking your theory exam in English, French and German, the practical driving exam has to be carried out in Spanish.

There are some specialised driving schools (driving schools in Spanish) that have instructors who can offer practical lessons in English, but when it comes to actually sitting at the wheel with the DGT examiner in the back seat, it’s almost certainly all going to be in Spanish.

With this in mind, we’re going to revise the most common instructions that you’re likely to receive from your driving instructor while you’re practising driving, and during your final practical test with the examiner.

To keep it as real as possible, all the Spanish verbs we’ll use will be in the imperative form, as that’s what you’re most likely to hear from your instructor.

We’ve mixed up these with the useful vocab you’re likely to hear to put it all in context, so pay special attention to each part of the sentence.

The basics

speeds up : Speed up

brake : Brake

Speed ​​down : Reduce your speed

stop/stop : Stop

step on the clutch : Step on the clutch

Important extras

Put on your (seat) belt : Put on your seatbelt

Make sure you have the mirrors correctly positioned : Make sure your rearview mirrors are correctly positioned

Getting going

start the car : turn on the car

Put the low / long lights : Put on your headlights/brights

put on the turn signal : Put on your indicator

Turn the steering wheel left/right : Turn the steering wheel to the left/right

The traffic light is green/red/amber : The traffic light is green, red, yellow


Put first, second, third, fourth, fifth gear : Go into first, second, third, fourth, fifth gear

Put the gear lever in neutral : Put the gearbox in neutral


from reverse gear : Reverse

put on the emergency lights : Put on your emergency lights

Park on battery, in line or in parallel : Park at an angle, in line, parallel park

Apply/Release the parking brake : Pull up/down the handbrake

Turning and moving around

Drive down this one way road : Drive along this one-way road

Give way : Give way

overtake the van : Overtake the van

Merge onto highway/roundabout : Merge onto the motorway/roundabout

Remember that it is a one-way/two-way road : Remember it’s a one-way/two-way road

Take the first/second/third exit : Take the first/second/third exit

Take a look at the blind spot : Check your blind spot

look in the rear view mirror : Look through the rearview mirror

change lanes : Change lane

Get into the in/out lane : Take the inside/outside lane

take the next exit : Take the next exit


Don’t exceed the speed limit : Don’t go over the speed limit

watch out for the curve : Be careful with the turn

Let the pedestrian pass at the zebra crossing : Let the pedestrian cross at the zebra crossing

Make sure no cars are coming at the intersection : Make sure there’s no oncoming traffic at the crossing

And a couple of extra ones

Blow the horn/honk : Honk your horn

Put the windshield wiper : Put on the windshield wipers


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