Spanish football: I’ll get off in the next one, and you? – The penultimate raulista alive

by time news

2023-07-04 17:35:18

Well no, there has been no communication. Villarreal, who took a minute to condemn Fede Valverde, has not yet apologized for siding with Baena, who, according to ordinary justice, contradicted himself several times, the first time when he assured that together with Valverde in the parking lot Odriozola found, when the images show that this was not the case, and the second when he stated that the Real Madrid footballer had acknowledged the attack to the police, something that was not true either. The fact that Fernando Roig, who is a model president, was about to go to the United States because of the Valverde case, which has now become the Baena case, and, however, about the payment to the arbitration vice-president of 7.3 million euros for 17 years by the Barcelona Football Club said the following: “I don’t know him in depth. I don’t know how or in what way he paid and I don’t know I would like to assess this situation without knowing it and making a judgment about it does not seem correct to me”. And, attention, “that’s what the official and judicial bodies are for and everything that is resolved in the best possible way for Barcelona and for the Spanish League.” No, Fernando, no. It is impossible that, in the Negreira case, everything will be resolved well for Barça, who paid the arbitration vice president, and that at the same time it will also be resolved well for the League, which is made up of his team and thirty-nine other teams, if we except Barcelona itself. Barça will be stained from the Negreira case or the League will be stained, one of the two, and I fear that it will be the second, the League, the one that will be inevitably touched by the wing.

Returning to the Valverde case, which is already the Baena case. I was saying that I am amazed at Villarreal’s speed in condemning Valverde and the parsimony in asking the Real Madrid footballer for forgiveness when the one who excuses him is precisely ordinary justice. Although I’m not astonished, to be honest, and sorry for the digression, because it’s been more than a week since Vinicius Tobías denounced racist insults during the match between his team, Castilla, and Eldense and, after seven days since then, , the club, which must continue to party, has only issued an official statement, which I will read below: “Manu Nieto, Dimitrios Stamatakis and Diego González end their loan period and return to their respective clubs.” Go ahead all my love to Dimitrios Stamatakis, who has the name of the Greek author of crime novels and the surname of the hero of The Odyssey, but of the condemnation of racist insults not even a word. A week later, huh? They are slow and we hope that the Eldense ones are also safe.

I do not know what the Valverde environment has recognized or has failed to recognize, what I do know is that we are in a rule of law that guarantees that a squatter can forcibly evict a widow who has than going to sleep on a bench in the street, I suppose it will be for Federico as well. I am saying this because today, not without some astonishment, I have heard the journalist Francisco José Delgado defending the theory that Valverde should be punished regardless of what can be demonstrated in court, that is, that Pacojo defends the Stalinist trials, for example. How are you going to punish Valverde, my dear colleague by profession, if the ordinary courts lack evidence and have shown that the accuser lied on several occasions? Or is it that the Competition Committee, which is requesting a 5-match ban for the Real Madrid player, has evidence that his honor lacks? And if so, why don’t you present them?

Today, through his Twitter profile, my friend Paul Tenorio apologized for his pessimism, which I share, about the drift of football, and specifically of Spanish. If not only the club that paid Victoriano Sánchez Arminio’s right-hand man for 17 years is not condemned, but there are presidents who pray that everything is resolved in the best way possible for the payer; yes to Vinicius, who has been scratching for a year and a half, is turned into a criminal for delaying his statement in court when he is 7,000 kilometers from Spain; if Laporta acknowledges that Tebas has raised his hand with Barça because now they are colleagues; if the Eldense, recently promoted to Second, refuses to condemn a racist incident in his field claiming to be partying; if Gil Marín launches his community manager against Real Madrid for a yellow card but is silent when it is shown that there is a club that has paid the arbitration vice president; if the president of the federation comes up with the brilliant idea of ​​building a stadium just for Spain to play and, nevertheless, they take the Super Cup to Arabia but to defend women’s rights; if ordinary justice exonerates a footballer but the Competition Committee requests a 5-game sanction for him for something that could not be proven… Honestly, we have the football we deserve. And here, unlike politics, you don’t vote, not every 4 years or ever. They are killing it. You are killing it. The La Liga hen is dying and the farmer Tebas mistreats the only golden egg he has left, which is Real Madrid.

#Spanish #football #Ill #penultimate #raulista #alive

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