Spanish referees, the best paid in the world

by time news

The Spanish referees do not stop giving people talk day after day. The First Division establishment is situated in the elite of European refereeing and, therefore, the salaries of the referees are reflected accordingly. However, it is surprising that the referees of the League have the highest salary in the world, and with an abysmal difference. Well above more powerful competitions and with higher income, such as the Premier League, or leagues of a similar economic level, such as the Italian Serie A or the French Ligue 1.

With the arrival of Luis Rubiales to the presidency of the Spanish Football Federation (FEF) in 2018 and the consequent changes in the Technical Committee of Referees (CTA), the Spanish referees saw their salaries greatly increased. It should be remembered that LaLiga is in charge of paying the salary of the referees, despite the fact that this group is an institution outside the club employers’ association and is under the protection of the FEF.

Referees salary

First Division

extra euros per game refereed

euros per Champions League

is the number of referees

professionals in First

Referees salary

First Division

extra euros per game refereed

euros per Champions League

is the number of referees

professionals in First

Salary of First Division referees

extra euros per game refereed

euros per Champions League

is the number of professional referees in First Division

Salary of First Division referees

extra euros per game refereed

euros per Champions League

is the number of professional referees in First Division

To this day, the League has 20 professional referees in the First Division. Well, each of them has a fixed salary of 12,500 euros gross per month, regardless of how many times they whistle. Even in the case of not arbitrating, either due to injury or by decision of the CTA (the famous ‘refrigerators’), the Spanish referee would charge that amount in full. That fixed salary alone means 137,000 euros gross per year.

But that’s just the base salary. The referees in the First Division also charge an additional 4,200 euros for each game they referee on the field. If they do it as VAR, it would be half, 2,100 euros. This is where the big difference is with respect to other major leagues.

The referees usually whistle on the pitch between two and three games a month, plus one or two from VAR. There are some that more and others that less, since it depends on other factors such as the number of matches or if they have whistled or not in the Cup or European competition. In general, in the case of a referee who has this number of games, he would earn around 25,000 euros per month, only in the League.

But the salary does not stop here. Spanish referees who are international and whistle in more competitions have a much higher salary. In the Copa del Rey, for example, the salary is identical to that in league competition: 4,200 euros per match. If they are international, they would earn an extra 7,000 euros for each Champions League match and between 5,000 and 10,000 euros for each World Cup match, depending on whether it is in the group stage or a direct knockout.

Mateu Lahoz during the 2022 World Cup in Qatar


To give an example, the data on matches refereed by Mateu Lahoz in 2022 show this. The Valencian referee refereed, in addition to the League, in the Champions League, the Qatar World Cup, the Europa League, the League of Nations, the Greek Cup and the Saudi Super Cup. Only last year Mateu pocketed close to 330,000 gross euros per year. An astronomical number. Last October was his best month, when he refereed four league games, one in the Champions League and another as VAR, leaving the monthly figure at 38,400 euros.

Of course, that salary does not include diets, travel expenses or hotels where the members stay. In national competitions, these costs come out of the pocket of the CTA, a body belonging to the FEF. The value of these expenses, added to the aforementioned annual salary, would greatly exceed 400,000 euros for an elite Spanish referee.

salary of


extra euros per game refereed

euros per game refereed

salary of


extra euros per game refereed

euros per game refereed

linesmen salary

extra euros per game refereed

euros per game refereed

linesmen salary

extra euros per game refereed

euros per game refereed

Not only the main referees have their salary established. Also assistant referees, VAR assistants and fourth officials have a certain salary. The linesmen have a fixed salary of 6,000 euros per month, and an extra 1,800 per game, while as a VAR assistant the salary would be around 850 euros per game. For his part, the fourth referee in the First Division charges 1,000 euros for each presence in a League match.

Collegiate in the First

Women’s Division

euros per game refereed

euros per game refereed

euros per game refereed

Collegiate in the First

Women’s Division

euros per game refereed

euros per game refereed

euros per game refereed

Collegiates in the First Women’s Division

euros per game refereed

euros per game refereed

Collegiates in the First Women’s Division

euros per game refereed

euros per game refereed

The difference with respect to women’s football is considerable, despite the fact that in 2022 an agreement was reached by the FEF and the Higher Sports Council (CSD) to increase the salary of the collegiate women. In the Women’s First Division, the main referees earn 1,666 euros per game, when before they earned 300. In the case of the assistants, they have gone from charging 166 to 1,066 euros per game. Finally, the fourth referees have increased their salary per match from 84 to 250 euros.

Referees salary

second division

extra euros per game refereed

Referees salary

second division

extra euros per game refereed

Salary of Second Division referees

extra euros per game refereed

Salary of Second Division referees

extra euros per game refereed

Despite the fact that salaries in the Second Division decrease compared to those in the First Division, they are very generous compared to the major European leagues. A main referee in the second Spanish league has a fixed salary of 6,000 euros per month. In addition, as in the First Division, they have an extra 1,800 euros per game and 900 euros for each game in the VAR. Therefore, an average Second Division referee who referees two games and plays another two in the VAR, will have a monthly salary of between 10,000 and 12,000 euros, slightly higher than the great financial power of the Premier.

Comparison with other leagues

extra euros per game refereed

extra euros per game refereed

extra euros per game refereed

Comparison with other leagues

extra euros per game refereed

extra euros per game refereed

extra euros per game refereed

Comparison with other leagues

extra euros per game refereed

extra euros per game refereed

extra euros per game refereed

Comparison with other leagues

extra euros per game refereed

extra euros per game refereed

extra euros per game refereed

These data are even more surprising when compared with other major continental leagues, especially the Premier, the competition with the greatest economic muscle in the world. A referee in the Premier has a fixed salary of 3,750 euros per month, three times less than the Spanish, with a salary of 12,500 per month. As in the League, the English have extras per game, but a much lower amount: 1,300 euros per additional game, compared to 4,200 for First Division referees. Therefore, the average monthly salary of a Premier referee would range between 7,000 and 10,000 euros per month. In case of being international referees, the salary would be greatly increased.

These are amazing numbers that contrast with an England in which salaries in any sector are higher than those in Spain, but not in refereeing. Even the Second Division referees themselves exceed those of the Premier in salary. The Spanish also double the French in salary, who have a fixed salary of 6,000 and an extra per game of 2,900 euros.

The referees in Spain have star salaries. His work is complicated and the responsibility that comes with being a referee at the highest level is high. Despite being minor players in the football spectacle, they have an income that places them on a par with elite athletes.

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