Spanish Regions Reintroduce Face Mask Requirement for Health Centers After Holiday Infection Spike

by time news

2024-01-05 22:37:02

© getty

Five popular Spanish regions are reintroducing a face mask requirement for health centers. The rule comes after a spike in the number of Covid and flu infections during the holidays.

In the Valencia region, the number of respiratory infections rose to 1,501 cases per 100,000 inhabitants between Christmas and New Year. Health authorities in Valencia have therefore once again required people with flu-like symptoms to wear face masks in health centers, as well as medical professionals and family or friends in the waiting room.

Valencia is not the only region where the number of Covid-19 and flu infections is peaking. The Spanish Association of General Practitioners has called for the wearing of masks to be made mandatory for health centers across the country. According to Spanish media, the Minister of Health would propose next week to reintroduce rules everywhere.

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The regions of Murcia, Catalonia, Galicia and Aragon are already taking flight. Like Valencia, they introduced a face mask requirement for hospitals and health centers. Authorities in Aragon also added that they “strongly recommend” their citizens to take out their masks again in public places, especially in small spaces.

Spain was one of the last European countries to drop the face mask requirement after the pandemic. Until February last year, residents had to wear face masks on public transport, and until July in hospitals and pharmacies.

Headline: Spanish Regions Reintroduce Face Mask Requirements for Health Centers After Holiday Spike in Infections

Several popular Spanish regions have reinstated mandatory face mask requirements for health centers following a surge in the number of Covid-19 and flu infections during the holiday season.

In the Valencia region, the number of respiratory infections rose to 1,501 cases per 100,000 inhabitants between Christmas and New Year, prompting health authorities to once again require people with flu-like symptoms to wear face masks in health centers. The same requirement applies to medical professionals and family or friends in the waiting room.

The Spanish Association of General Practitioners has called for the mandatory wearing of masks in health centers across the country, and the Minister of Health is expected to propose reintroducing rules nationwide next week.

In addition to Valencia, the regions of Murcia, Catalonia, Galicia, and Aragon have also reintroduced face mask requirements for hospitals and health centers. Authorities in Aragon have gone a step further by strongly recommending citizens to wear masks in public places, especially in small spaces.

Spain was one of the last European countries to lift the face mask requirement after the pandemic. Residents were required to wear face masks on public transport until February of last year, and in hospitals and pharmacies until July.]
#Spanish #holiday #destinations #requiring #face #masks #hospitals

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