Special March 8, 2023, Ms. Wadidjé Founé Coulibaly: “Let’s unite our energies and our intelligence to become essential actors in the rebuilding of the State”

by time news

On the occasion of the celebration of March 8, the Minister for the Promotion of Women, Children and the Family explains the choice of the national theme: “Women, essential actors, standing up for peace, security, social cohesion and reconciliation in Mali” and presents the activities planned for the International Day. It also invites women to fully play their role in building the Mali Kura

L’Essor: What motivated the choice of this theme for the celebration of this edition of International Women’s Day?

Madam Minister: Allow me to thank you for the opportunity you are giving me to address national and international opinion on the occasion of the celebration of this important day. Our country currently needs citizens who are at peace with their environment.

The Malian woman, since the dawn of time, has had the secret to cultivating peace, security, social cohesion and reconciliation within society (in the family, in the neighborhood, in the village, in the factions, within different groups). They are excellent advisers. This is what motivated the department to choose this theme for the commemoration of this edition of International Women’s Day.

L’Essor: Peace, security, social cohesion and reconciliation are all the rage right now. What are the key actions initiated by Malian women for a lasting peace in our country?

Madam Minister: It is not a luxury to talk about peace in our country today, because it is a daily concern. The country needs this peace for its daughters and sons who have suffered the consequences of the crisis for more than a decade. Malian women have suffered greatly from the aftermath of the crisis: some have lost their husbands, sons, brothers and others have been victims of rape, forced marriages and other atrocities. Families were separated, women and girls were raped in front of their husbands and parents.

Physical violence was amplified through mutilation and corporal punishment. This barbarism has resulted in the massive and forced displacement of populations, of which women and children constitute the vast majority. Furthermore, it should be noted that women have been actors in favor of the return of peace and reconciliation through several initiatives. Their participation in the search for peace, it should be remembered, is a right recognized through Resolution 1325 of the United Nations Security Council adopted in 2000.

In the same dynamic, other Resolutions have followed to guarantee its implementation, including Resolution 1820, 1889, 1960… Through Resolution 1325, the Security Council recalls the importance of the participation of women at the same level of equality with men in preventing and resolving conflicts and building peace.

Despite the existence of these resolutions, the participation of Malian women in the formal negotiation process for peace has been very low, however their places remain undeniable for the restoration of peace, social cohesion and reconciliation. Consolidation of peace and socio-economic reintegration inevitably involve taking into account the particular role in peace consolidation strategies at local, regional and national level, because as wives, mothers, sisters, they have a particular ability to advise, persuade and promote peace.

L’Essor: What is your department doing to unite Malian women in the quest for peace and national reconciliation?

Madam Minister: We know that in Mali, a department is dedicated to issues of peace and reconciliation. However, within the framework of complementarity and governmental solidarity, each ministry plays its part. It is in this vein that ours has chosen this rather evocative theme for March 8, 2023. In addition to information, training and advocacy sessions on prevention, conflict management and the peace process, my department houses the United Nations Resolution 1325 Management Unit, whose actions have greatly contributed to the involvement of women and young people in peace organs and bodies at all levels (central, regional, local).

In support of the department in charge of humanitarian action, our ministry welcomes and assists displaced persons in the women’s, children’s and family centers and the regional directorates for the advancement of women and children. and the family of the following localities: Mopti, Ségou, Sikasso, district of Bamako.

These displaced persons benefit from Actions such as the distribution of dignity kits to displaced women (buckets, blankets, soaps, toothpaste, toothbrush, 6 loincloths, ointment, toiletries, etc.). It is also worth noting the organization of information activities, intergenerational debates, sensitization and training of women in the areas badly affected by the conflict. My department has also initiated a national communication and mobilization campaign for the appropriation of the agreement, based on the real participation of all the women of Mali. Added to this, the organization of a meeting of women from Mali called: “Appeal of the women of Mali”. This meeting was a rare opportunity for Malian women to seize, to forge a common vision for lasting peace. “L’appel des femmes du Mali” was a success that enabled women to listen to each other, to discover each other and to discover women from other regions through dialogue and exchanges within the framework of the establishment of a lasting peace and social cohesion in Mali.

L’Essor: Can you tell us about the projects and programs implemented by your department for the broad involvement of women in the promotion of peace, security, social cohesion and reconciliation?

Madam Minister: These include, among others, the Support Fund for Women’s Empowerment and Child Development (Fafe), the Women’s Empowerment Project in the Shea Sector in the areas concerned, income-generating activities (IGA) projects in women’s and children’s homes, the empowerment and economic learning sub-project through the Swedd Project, the program to combat gender-based violence (GBV), the establishment of One Stop Centers, the project for the economic and social development of women through renewable energies in the Sahel (Desfers).

L’Essor: According to you, what is done or will be done so that women are essential actors for peace, social cohesion and reconciliation in Mali?

Madam Minister: Mali’s subscription to international and sub-regional conventions such as Resolution 1325. Mali is in its third generation of national R1325 and related action plans. The capitalization and sustainability of the achievements of the implementation of these various action plans will contribute to the effective involvement of women in the peace process, social cohesion and reconciliation in Mali.

L’Essor: What will be the major innovations this year for the celebration of Women’s Day, especially since the theme of peace has been chosen several times for the cause?

Madam Minister: This year, the ministry, in collaboration with other sectoral departments such as Commerce, Industry and Finance, anticipated the making of the loincloth on March 8, 2023 at the level of a local production unit. This initiative has the merit of promoting local consumption through “made Mali” and also providing an official loincloth, a unique model on the market allowing all women to wear the same outfit.

To reaffirm their unwavering support for the Transition, the women of Mali under the leadership of my department, have decided to organize a popular parade at the Modibo Keïta stadium, placed under the effective presidency of the President of the Transition, Head of State, Colonel Assimi Goita. The same events will take place in the regions, circles, communes and villages, placed under the authority of the governors, prefects and sub-prefects.

Throughout the month of March, advocacy, capacity building, women’s empowerment and activities to combat gender-based violence will be organized throughout the national territory with the involvement of civil society. , technical and financial partners.

L’Essor: Can we talk about peace, cohesion and reconciliation without taking care of the victims of the crisis? What has been done and will be done by your department for the care of women and children who are victims of this crisis?

Madam Minister: The department has implemented a program for the abandonment of gender-based violence. Through this program, One Stop Centers have been set up for the holistic management of GBV cases (psychological, legal and medical). In each of our structures (national directorate for the advancement of women, the regional directorate for the advancement of women and children, the centers for women, children and families), support are done through activities of listening and directing victims to legal clinics (APDF, Wildaf, AJM, Demeso, etc.)

L’Essor: What actions has your ministry taken to ensure that refugee women and children are protected from need until they return home?

Madam Minister: Among the actions carried out, we can note, among others, the reception and assistance of displaced persons in women’s, children’s and family centers and the regional directorates for the advancement of women, child and family (Mopti, Ségou, Sikasso, district of Bamako, etc.);

That’s not all. We are also distributing dignity kits to displaced women (buckets, blankets, soaps, toothpaste, toothbrush, 6 loincloths, ointment, toiletries, etc.). They are also supported and accompanied through the distribution of food and non-food items in the various accommodation sites for the displaced.

L’Essor: News obliges, the year 2023 is an election year. What is planned by your department to mobilize women?

Madam Minister: Together with the Ministry in charge of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, it is planned to hold a seminar to reflect on the dynamics of integrating the gender dimension in the process of politico-administrative and institutional reforms in Mali. .

The objective is to create the conditions for taking gender into account in all reforms and to ensure the holding of general and local elections and inclusive referendum consultations, integrating gender aspects at all levels. In addition, other major information, sensitization and training campaigns for potential women candidates for increased participation as voters and candidates are being developed.

L’Essor: Do you have a message?

Madam Minister: I cannot end without thanking all the actors and partners involved in the protection and promotion of women’s rights. Allow me to pay a deserved tribute to my predecessors and women leaders in Mali for their heroic struggle and their contribution to the advancement and empowerment of women. I invite the women of Mali to show more solidarity, social cohesion, peace and to mobilize to play a leading role in the process of political and institutional reform. Together, let’s unite our energies and our intelligence to become key players in the process of rebuilding the State.

Interview by

Mariam A. TRAORE

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