Specialists for medium-sized companies: JS online marketing mediates via quiz

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Start-up scene JS Onlinemarketing

Quiz about the job – this is how medium-sized companies should now find skilled workers


Max Jünger (21) and his partner Luisa Schmitt (22) founded JS online marketing during their studies

Source: Social Media and Quiz Questions

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Crafts and industrial companies are looking for trainees. A young start-up from the Odenwald supports the companies in their search. Instead of a standard application with a résumé, social media and quiz questions are used.

AThere is no shortage of apprenticeships in the craft or industry. The problem is more how young people are made aware of the jobs. Newspaper advertisements or job portals would hardly reach Generation Z, says Luisa Schmitt.

The 22-year-old has set up a kind of job agency together with her partner Max Jünger. They not only want to reach those looking for training, but also poach young skilled workers.

“We are not headhunters and we are not a job portal,” Jünger explains the concept in an interview with “Gründerszene”. Rather, it is about specialist marketing. This is why the two founders started JS online marketing this year. Schmitt and Jünger have known each other since school and have been a couple since 2013.

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Foreign skilled workers

“We started building websites for companies in 2020,” says Schmitt. They noticed that many customers are looking for young talent and specialists. “We as the young generation can help the elderly.”

In addition to their studies, they now take care of their medium-sized customers together. According to their own statements, they have already looked after five companies since March and have successfully filled vacancies.

A 30-day campaign is set up on Facebook or Instagram to search for skilled workers. In addition, the founding couple is setting up their own landing page for their customers, where all important information about the company and job can be found. Optionally, the start-up can also take care of the appropriate pictures of the company or shoot a video on site.

A quiz about the apprenticeship or job

If a prospect clicks on the ad, he or she will be taken through a short quiz. The idea: Instead of submitting a standard application with a résumé, the first most important application criteria should be queried.

For example, whether applicants have a driver’s license, are active in an association or have other prior knowledge for the position. The quiz questions can be set by the client.

The employers should then be able to get an initial picture based on the applicant information and approach the candidates.

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The start-up offers three different service packages. Cost: 4500 euros upwards. Around 1500 euros are spent on the advertising campaign on social media, the rest is used for landing pages and advertisements. There are additional costs for additional photo and video production.

According to the two founders, the target group is apprentices between the ages of 15 and 21 and skilled workers between the ages of 21 and 45. Her aim is to also reach people who are not actively looking for a new job, but are persuaded by JS online marketing to switch.

“We can very well imagine doing this full-time after graduation,” says Schmitt. Both want to graduate by the beginning of next year at the latest. Then employees should be hired and a GmbH founded.

This text comes from a cooperation with the magazine “Gründerszene”. Click on the links, leave welt.de and land in the articles at gruenderszene.de.

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