Specialties with lower scores

by time news

2023-05-20 00:00:47

  • In ENARM 2022 there were more than 40,000 applicants but just over 18,000 obtained a place.
  • Family Medicine heads the list of the specialties with the lowest scores in the category of foreigners within the ENARM 2022, what were the others?
  • This test often attracts general practitioners from regions such as Central and South America.

The desire to excel leads many doctors to seek opportunities outside their country of origin. Not only Mexicans take postgraduate courses in other nations, but also doctors from other parts of the world. With this in mind, it is worth knowing the performance of the foreign doctors who present the National Exam for Applicants for Medical Residency (ENARM) and the specialties that register the lowest scores.

Benefits of continuing with academic preparation

In this sense, although the Medicine degree is the most extensive that exists, it does not mean that graduating from the university is the end of the road. In fact, it can be prolonged in different ways. From courses to seminars or master’s degrees are useful to have greater preparation.

By having additional studies with official validity, there is also more knowledge. The beneficiary is not only the patient because he receives a better service but also the doctor himself.

Preparation that goes beyond a career opens up more job opportunities. In addition, it also allows access to high-ranking positions within hospitals and institutions. With this you can also receive a higher salary.

Now, the option chosen by thousands of doctors at the end of their career is study a specialty Although to obtain a place they must first pass a complicated and complex test.

This is the ENARM and consists of a general summary of what was seen in the race. The test is developed through clinical cases and due to its preparation, many confusions are generated when answering it. Actually there are no wrong options but one is the most correct than the others.

Foreigners in the ENARM: Specialties with lower scores

In the past we have informed you about the performance of Mexican doctors in the ENARM 2022. Now it is time to find out how the foreign doctors who presented this test fared. According to the annual report of the Inter-institutional Commission for the Training of Human Resources for Health (CIFRHS)those with the lowest scores were the following.

  • Family Medicine – 52.7875
  • Occupational and Environmental Medicine – 57.3171
  • Clinical Pathology – 58.0139
  • Pathological Anatomy – 58.8850
  • Geriatrics – 59.4077

When compared with what was done by the Mexican doctors, great differences are observed. In the first place, the scores are much higher among those who are from other countries and come to Mexico to take the ENARM.

Within the 2022 edition, in the national field the specialties with the poorest performance were Family Medicine (37.6307), Emergency Medicine (38.8502)
and Epidemiology (42.3345).

All of the aforementioned achieved much lower scores than the one that was in the last position within the foreign category.

A possible explanation of the scores is the sacrifice that foreign doctors who present the ENARM must make. Not only is it about paying the 3,000 registration fees, but you must make a complete journey that involves traveling by plane and lodging in a place close to the venue.

For its part, the ENARM is usually attractive to physicians in regions such as Central and South America. Most of the foreign applicants are from those regions and register because the level of Mexican hospitals is higher than that of their nations of origin.

Also read:

One month left for ENARM 2022: Everything you need to know

The specialties with the lowest ENARM 2022 scores: There were from 37.6307 and 38.8502

The specialties with the highest scores of the ENARM 2022

#Specialties #scores

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