Speculation on the future government is going well, François Hollande refuses an agreement of the PS with LFI… The political news of the day

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Since January, Le Monde has kept the synopsis of the 2022 presidential election campaign: a daily update published every evening at 7 p.m. From April 29, the recap becomes weekly and changes schedule. We therefore give you an appointment every Friday, from May 6, at 6 p.m., to continue to follow the political news with us.

News of the day. Speculations around the future government as the deadline approaches

The rumors are rife. After the re-election of Emmanuel Macron on Sunday, speculation is increasing on TV sets around the imminent formation – or not – of the new government. Commentators do not skimp on assumptions. It is obviously the name of the future Prime Minister who is at the heart of attention and gives rise to an abundant name-dropping.

Still, we know for the moment little of this name. If Mr. Macron refined, yesterday, the job description during his trip to Cergy (Val-d’Oise), affirming that his or her future head of government should be “attached to the social question, the environmental question and the productive question”, he has not yet decided, according to information from the Monde, who to appoint as head of the executive. In the meantime, several ministers and tenors of the majority have expressed their availability.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The choice of the Prime Minister, a delicate equation for Emmanuel Macron

As the days pass, the window of opportunity narrows: to breathe new life and mark the start of his second term, Mr. Macron, who must be invested before May 13, has no interest in hesitating too long on this choice. The holding of the first council of ministers since the re-election of Mr. Macron, Thursday morning, presumed to be the last of the government of Jean Castex, could therefore have marked the last stage before the resignation of the Prime Minister and the appointment of his or her successor.

At the end of the council, during the traditional press briefing, the government spokesman, Gabriel Attal, played with the nerves of the journalists by casting doubt on the calendar. “I did not tell you that it was the last council of ministers, nor obviously Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term which ends on May 14, nor this government”, did he declare.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Macron’s second five-year term: a tighter government before the legislative elections

The picture of the day. Jordan Bardella launches the RN campaign for the legislative elections

Jordan Bardella, surrounded by two of the candidates invested by the RN for the legislative elections in the Var, and the mayor of Fréjus, David Rachline (RN), April 28, 2022.

Four days after the defeat of its candidate in the second round of the presidential election, the National Rally (RN) is back in battle order for the legislative elections. While Marine Le Pen takes a little rest after having scoured France during a long campaign, the acting vice-president of the party, Jordan Bardella, launched, at the end of the day Thursday, the start of the campaign since Frejus (Var).

During this press conference given on the seafront, surrounded by the mayor of the city, David Rachline (RN), and two of the candidates chosen by the party for the Var, he drew up the list of the other people invested in the department , where Mme Le Pen won the second round with 55.10% of the votes cast, more than ten points above her national score.

That very morning, Mr. Bardella did not rule out the idea “agreed to withdraw” between the RN and Reconquest! in the second round of legislative elections, and ” case by case “ in case of triangular. For the rest, the RN rejected the offer of an electoral alliance launched by the party of Eric Zemmour, after months of violent confrontation between the two far-right formations.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Legislative 2022: the National Rally wants to “deflate the head” of Zemmour

Phrase of the day. François Hollande opposes an agreement of the PS with LFI for the legislative elections

“Discussing is necessary; to disappear, it is impossible”

Line and tone are clear. Former President of the Republic François Hollande expressed his opposition to the ongoing negotiations between the Socialist Party (PS) and La France insoumise (LFI), the formation of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, in view of the legislative elections, Thursday morning on Franceinfo. “It is not a discussion that is in question, it is a disappearance. Discussing is necessary; to disappear, it is impossible”, he asserted.

“If the ‘rebellious’ do not want to give space to their partners, I do not see why these partners would want to sacrifice themselves”, argued the former head of state, for whom “the leaders of the Socialist Party would have decided to disappear” while lining up ” rear “ Mr. Mélenchon, who came third in the first round of the presidential election.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The legislative elections, poison of division in the Socialist Party

Like a minority current, but audible, within the PS, embodied by several “elephants” socialists (like the former minister Stéphane Le Foll or the ex-deputy Jean-Christophe Cambadélis), and opposed to the position of the first secretary, Olivier Faure, Mr. Holland considers that the political projects of the PS and LFI are incompatible on many points, making a programmatic agreement impossible: “That would mean that the next government would have to (…) disobey the European treaties? The next government, if it were formed, if it had a majority, would have to leave NATO [Organisation du traité de l’Atlantique Nord]? To no longer help the Ukrainians by providing them with military equipment? »

Somewhat provocative, François Hollande wanted to see this possible agreement “reviewed or postponed so that the Socialist Party can, with its ecologist, communist partners begin to consider another union”. Without the “rebellious”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Legislative 2022: on the left, negotiations in a bad patch

En 2017, when Les Républicains decided to avoid being in systematic opposition to Emmanuel Macron

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This is a question that was already tormenting the right five years ago: what attitude to adopt towards the new president, Emmanuel Macron? Should we oppose frontally or be constructive? In this month of May 2017, Les Républicains (LR) are indeed looking for the right tone to exist in the political debate. “without giving a caricatural image”as journalists Matthieu Goar and Alexandre Lemarié tell us.

The strategy adopted by LR is as follows: “First, carry out the legislative campaign thoroughly to have maximum influence in the future National Assembly; then, whatever the outcome of the vote (…), not to set itself up as a force of obstruction to the new boss of the executive. »

A line of compromise decided by the main caciques of the party, including the leader for the legislative elections, François Baroin. But the exercise of synthesis is not simple, since the party is, already at the time, crossed by two opposing currents.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Legislative 2022: The Les Républicains party paralyzed by Macronist temptations

On the one hand, that in favor of a « attitude constructive » vis-à-vis Mr. Macron, a position defended by the treasurer of the party, Daniel Fasquelle, or even the deputy Eric Woerth. Then, that of a more right-wing branch, embodied by the deputy Eric Ciotti or the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, Laurent Wauquiez, who pleads to embody a real “opposition party”refusing compromise with regard to“Emmanuel Holland”, nickname given to the former Minister of the Economy during the unfortunate campaign of François Fillon.

So, “despite pressure from the more right-handed, [M. Baroin] refuses to lead a campaign by selling the idea of ​​cohabitation”, advance our journalists. And for good reason: party leaders refuse to see some of their moderate figures “get started” and join Mr. Macron. Five years later, after having already recorded losses in 2017, concern is rekindled at LR.

Agenda for Friday April 29

Personal tribute. Emmanuel Macron is going to the Hautes-Pyrénées on Friday to honor the memory of his grandmother Germaine Noguès. Nicknamed “Manette” and teacher by profession, she died in 2013 and rests in Montgaillard. Questioned on TF1, on April 6, he had explained that, if he were re-elected, one of his first gestures on the « plan personnel » would be to go “blossom the grave of [s]has grandmother in [les] Pyrenees [qui lui sont] so dear”.

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