Speech at the Democracy Summit… “Fake democracy raises its head around the world”

by time news
Presiding over the first session and giving a video speech… “Fake news spread all over the world is a threat to democracy”
“Democratic State Solidarity to Overcome Complex Crisis”…尹 to host the next meeting

President Yoon Seok-yeol announced on the 29th, “In addition to the faction of authoritarian forces that directly deny the norm-based international order, fake democracy represented by anti-intellectualism is raising its head around the world.”

President Yoon said this in a speech at the first session of the plenary session of the 2nd Democracy Summit, which was held via video at the Blue House State Guest House on the afternoon of the same day.

President Yoon Seok-yeol attends the first session of the plenary session of the 2nd Democracy Summit held via video at the Blue House guesthouse on the 29th. Provided by the President’s Office

The Democracy Summit, hosted by the United States and attended by more than 120 countries this year, is a conference body launched in December 2021 led by the Joe Biden administration of the United States. participated as a co-host).

Presiding over the first session on economic growth, President Yoon said, “The world is now facing various crises and challenges. The combination of geopolitical conflicts and interest competition has divided the international community and greatly reduced multilateral cooperation.”

In particular, he said, “Democracy, which has led to human freedom and prosperity in the past century, is facing a major challenge.”

He went on to say that the 1st Democracy Summit was launched to jointly cope with the decline of democracy, and that “we must embark on a new journey to revive a retreating democracy through diligent innovation and solidarity.”

President Yoon emphasized that the process of Korea’s development has been a constant journey toward freedom, and that “Korea, which defended its freedom with the help of the international community 70 years ago, is now fulfilling its role and responsibility as a ‘freedom facilitator’ of the international community.” .

President Yoon Seok-yeol is giving a speech at the first session of the plenary session of the 2nd Democracy Summit held via video at the Blue House State Guest House on the 29th. Video capture of the Democracy Summit

“Internationally, attempts to change the status quo by force are threatening freedom, and fake news spreading online in all directions is threatening democracy, which guarantees freedom. This is threatening our freedom,” he said. .

President Yoon said, “Incorrect disinformation and agitation distorts the people’s decision-making and undermines the essential systems of democracy, such as elections.”

He also announced that he would fulfill his responsibility to ensure that Korea, the host country of the next summit, strengthens democracy that guarantees freedom, and parliamentarism represented by the rule of law and representative democracy.

In addition, he emphasized, “We will strongly support and act in solidarity to firmly defend democracy in close cooperation with the international community.”

In his closing remarks, President Yoon said, “It is not easy to achieve economic growth and common prosperity, but I am convinced that it is not impossible if we work together.”

“In order to overcome the complex crisis facing the international community today, stronger solidarity and cooperation among democratic countries must be achieved,” he said.

On the 30th, Korea will preside over the Indo-Pacific regional meeting in Seoul on the topic of combating corruption in ministerial-level discussions by sector.

Prior to the meeting, President Yoon and US President Joe Biden announced in a joint statement that the Republic of Korea would host the next ‘3rd Democracy Summit’.

In a joint statement, the two heads of state said, “The Republic of Korea and the United States share a deep bond based on common democratic values ​​and respect for human rights, and we will further strengthen strong political, economic, security, and people-to-people ties.”


[ⓒ 세계일보 & Segye.com, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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