Speeches on the war in Ukraine bury hopes of “draw”

by time news

Six months after the start of the operation in Ukraine, two personalities with radically opposed postures regarding this military, political and civilizational conflict expressed the same idea for the first time. As if they were calling on all the skeptics and the undecided to finally understand the essential: no matter how long it lasts and all the hopes of bad peace that we will formulate, this Ukrainian battle, even already worldwide, will not lead to no cases on a draw.

French President Emmanuel Macron at the Crimea Platform Summit [qui s’est tenu en visioconférence le 23 août et a réuni une soixantaine de pays et organisations autour du président ukrainien Volodymyr Zelensky]definitively ruled out the possibility of an agreement on Ukraine. “We can not […] have no weakness, no spirit of compromise, because the freedom of all of us and peace in all parts of the globe are at stake”declared the French leader, specifying that the existential confrontation with Russia should only result in victory and only victory.

Macron’s exhortation not to strike any deal with Moscow rang out precisely on the day the Moscovi

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