“Spent a lot more money than usual”

by time news

For the municipal administration, the Friuli Doc budget is satisfactory, for the opposition a little less so. The comments of the group leaders in the council of Identità civica – Loris Michelini – and Francesca Laudicina (Lega).


“I have learned from well-informed sources – but I will actually check it myself – that a lot of money was spent on this edition, much more than usual,” Michelini explains. “Honestly, I would have expected a larger and better distributed arrangement of stands in light of the many requests and the money spent. This year, perhaps also due to the lowering of temperatures, there was a lower influx of visitors with several breaks during the day. Friuli Doc still has a strong appeal throughout the Region and shows the many local food and wine excellences that should find more and more space, also to give more value to the many volunteers of the pro loco and associations.”


“It was an edition of Friuli Doc undeniably characterized in a negative way by the weather conditions, it can happen. Despite all the economic efforts made by the municipal administration, apart of course from Saturday when Udine is always “full”, in my opinion the turnout was not equal to the expectations created for the important milestone of 30 years” explains Laudicina. “In addition to my perception, but not only, there are some data and images that can testify to it. The webcam positioned on the castle highlights that on the hill itself there has never been a full house. The parking data obtained from the Inpark application show that on Sunday at the Moretti Parking, at 12, there were about 150 free spots, while at 19 there were about 100 and at 21 about 150, right in conjunction with the free concert of Alex Britti”.
“These – continues Laudicina – are for the undersigned real certified data, another thing are the sensations. Some stands were actually stormed like those in Piazza Duomo, others, like those in the castle and especially in Piazza Garibaldi, were very accessible. Likewise it seems that the sports citadel in Piazza Primo Maggio did not excite”. “This however does not certify the success or failure of the event and the merits or demerits of the current Administration – concludes Laudicina -. Friuli Doc remains an interesting event, attended and important for the city of Udine. Perhaps the mistake that is made, but it is my opinion, is to give it a different value than what it actually is, that is a large container of the best of the festivals of our Friuli, which is in any case a value to be safeguarded and that is appreciated by many people”.

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