by time news

2023-06-16 09:04:33

Spider-man is the flagship of Marvel. Above the X-Men, above Captain America, above Iron Man. Since he was created by Stan Lee y Steve Ditko in 1962, the arachnid has had a special power to connect with comic readers, perhaps because it was the one that best connected with adolescent audiences and having, in a certain way, grown with them throughout all this time.


While the passage of time hardly affected many of the company’s characters, Peter Parker has gone from a nerdy teenager who suffered bullying to an adult with marital problems. The need to rejuvenate him from time to time responded to the importance of continuing to attract young readers, but, faced with these variants, the original Peter Parker has remained in action, because readers continued to be interested in his adventures as Spider-man, but also for his personal side. It is not surprising, therefore, that the Spider-man movies have a special pull within the adaptations of the comic to the cinema.

Within the current fatigue for the genre, where most of the films that come to us follow a strict and already quite beaten pattern, finding a title like Spider-man. crossing the multiverse It’s refreshing and surprising. The first installment of the adventures of Miles Morales had already been an unexpected enjoyment in 2018, but this second part strives to elevate the beauties of the previous one and take the proposal to new territories.


In the midst of the multiverse stage in the MCU, the spiderverse proposed by the film becomes a multipurpose space where we can redefine what we wanted to know about the spider hero. Here we meet again with some of the characters from the previous installment (mainly Spider Gwen and Peter Parker) and new variants are added. The film takes advantage of the wide catalog of incarnations of Spiderman already existing in the comics, adding some of their own, to take to the absurd the arachnid legacy of Marvel.

This wide range of Spidermen, with such marked personalities, helps animators to mix a multitude of styles in animation, so that each character not only has their own aesthetic, but their personality infects their entire world, so the confluence of all of them, it creates a collage of styles, shapes and colors that give the film an exceptional value and allow experimentation with different animation techniques. The film is intended as a roller coaster (yes, sorry, Martin Scorsese), throwing the spectator from one stimulus to another almost without breath. At the same time, the movements of the characters, the staging, the fluidity of the camera, all come together in a dynamic and energetic narrative, as if we were really the ones who are swinging on the screen in a network.


However, all the display and visual virtuosity of the film obeys a story. As the footage progresses, the characters become more complex, their conflicts more thorny, the affective relationships between them more mature and difficult. The creation of the spiderverse is not a mere narrative trick, but there is a true complex architecture behind it. Miles Morales is going to face in this film, more than enemies and physical conflicts, moral quagmires and revelations that are going to undermine all of his reality.

In our opinion, the film achieves a perfect balance between audiovisual maze (Daniel Pemberton’s music is vibrant) and the complexity of the script, keeping both at a high level. It is true that its long duration takes its toll. Despite the fact that the tape maintains an iron rhythm for almost the entire length, the narrative expands at the time of closing. The search for the cliffhanger makes the last fifteen minutes scattered, partly justified by that window open to the third part of this story.


To say that Spider-man. crossing the multiverse It’s the best Arachnid movie to date. It may sound like an exaggeration, but honestly, we think it is. Above the Spiderman 2 of Sam Raimi and above its predecessor, Spider-man. A New Universe. This makes it one of the best superhero movies of all time. Not bad for a cartoon movie that opens in full saturation of the superhero genre.


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