Spiritual awakening: What is it and how can it improve your life?

by time news

2023-10-14 20:00:00

How can spiritual awakening improve your life?

Much is heard and read about this topic, for that reason today I wanted to share with you what we talk about when we talk about true spiritual awakening, what the benefits are and how to realize that you are immersed in it.

What is spiritual awakening?

Spiritual awakening is the process in which a person begins to awaken and become aware of the existence and connection with the divine, the transcendental and the deepest part of their being. This may include a change in perspective on life, a new appreciation for values ​​such as compassion and love, and the adoption of spiritual practices and beliefs. It is a personal and unique process for each individual and can be triggered by an experience, event or simply deep self-reflection.

Some benefits that spiritual awakening can bring to your life:

1. Inner Peace: Leads to a feeling of inner peace which can help reduce stress and anxiety.

2. Truth Awareness: Allows people to understand the truth about their life and purpose, which can help them make more informed and conscious decisions.

3. Acceptance: Leads to acceptance of things as they are, which can lead to higher levels of happiness and gratitude.

4. Greater connection to the natural world: It can increase awareness of the connection between humans and nature, which can lead to a greater appreciation and concern for the environment.

5. Emotional Healing: It can help people overcome past painful experiences and heal emotionally.

How do you know that you are awakening spiritually?

You feel more sensitive to other people’s energy.

You’re not interested in small talk.

You feel comfortable spending time with yourself.

You begin to experience love or relationships as an opportunity for learning, growth and evolution.

You can observe, without getting angry, the transgenerational wounds and traumas, and get to work healing your lineage, being the one who wants to heal family history for the benefit of your descendants and your own life.

You begin to see some rules and habits of society as dysfunctional, having the desire to no longer participate in them.

What is not spiritual awakening?

1) It is not just believing in a religion or following a doctrine without questioning it.

2) It is not seeking self-fulfillment regardless of the consequences for others.

3) It is not a quick fix for any emotional or psychological problem.

4) It is not having supernatural abilities or magical powers.

5) It is not about permanently moving away from present life and giving up the challenges of daily life.

by Paula Cabalén

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