Sporting is committed to “Big Data”: Arnau Til and Andrés Conesa, two experts in numbers who are key in the sports field

by time news

As part of its commitment to continue professionalizing the rojiblanco club, the Orlegi Group has brought Mareo closer to Arnau To, a Catalan mathematician expert in “Big Data” who has been reinforcing Sporting’s sports structure for about a month now. He is within the shared services of the Mexican group, but exercises almost exclusively for the rojiblanco club. With experience in the world of football, he holds the position of “performance analyst” at Sporting.

work together with Gerardo Garcia y Fredi Lobeiras within the sporting structure of Sporting. Til is part of the Orlegi Sports “Analytics” team, as Andres Conesa, who has been part of the daily dynamics in Mareo for months. The Mexican is, in fact, an absolutely crucial figure for Orlegi Sports within that “Analytics” team. Til graduated in Mathematics from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Conesa, for his part, is in Administration and Finance. They are two “brains” in the world of numbers, but because of their knowledge they are key in the operation and sports strategy of the group, and now especially Sporting.

The use of science breaks in with more force in sport and especially in football. Because where the human eye cannot reach, the tools used by these mathematical experts provide a series of tangible, very specific data. These metrics offer interesting information for technicians on a day-to-day basis. Both in training, and also on the performance of footballers in matches. They extract cold, objective data, which is then shared with the coaches: defensive efforts, high-intensity offensives, resistance, fatigue, aerial duels… and more purely technical aspects such as success in passing, effectiveness in finishing… In addition, these Orlegi specialists collect data on the “intelligence” of rivals. Aspects that can later be applied to prepare the matches: strengths, weaknesses…

But these applications and metrics are also very important when it comes to scouting. Orlegi Sports attaches great importance to the reports collected by its shared services specialists when recruiting players. Especially when they bet on young footballers. In his facet as an agent, Gerardo García was already a great supporter of the use of “Big Data” to know the real weight of the players and his level when he did recruiting work or when he helped his players to take the best decision in their careers. There are several world-class clubs that have experts in numbers. La Real Sociedad, a fashionable club in Europe and an example of success in sports management, is a clear example. Roberto Olabe, its sports director, has a significant number of specialists within its sports structure, on which it relies. Liverpool is another of the giants that have many experts in “Big Data”. Monchi, who right now is not having the best time of his as Sevilla’s top sports manager, has confessed that some of his best reinforcements came thanks to the use of these tools.

Following the evolution of football, where every detail is increasingly taken into account and nothing is less, Orlegi Sports is strongly committed to “Big Data”. The “Analytics” area is, in fact, a very important edge in Orlegi’s way of acting. Shared services are figures of great weight in the decisions of Atlas and Santos Laguna.

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