Sporting’s plan with El Molinón: saving parts of the stadium and a public-private collaboration model

by time news

2023-11-09 05:00:53

Sporting’s architectural team studies in detail the possibilities that El Molinón currently has to adapt its work to the economic limit in which its project has been set (150 million euros) for the stadium to host the 2030 World Cup, and, at the same time, time, guarantee that it meets all the requirements required by FIFA to host the event and that the body that governs world football will officially announce on December 4. The technicians examine every intricacy of the stadium with a magnifying glass and are working on a project that could preserve some parts of the field, in addition to the grass, a criterion required to maintain the age of the oldest stadium in Spanish football.

The construction project is not completely closed, but it proposes maintaining some parts of the building. Others would be modified. Those that are in the worst condition (no one hides that the stadium needs improvements) or those that have to adjust to the conditions required by FIFA. The Orlegi Group’s plan for El Molinón would not be to build another stadium from scratch, nor would it be limited to a reform, but perhaps a middle point between these two extremes that is more in line with the reality of the “Asturias 2030” candidacy.

“We have to adjust to the budgetary and viability parameters that we have established. We have listened to public institutions, who wanted a more resized project that would retain the attribute of being the oldest field in Spanish football. And that is what we are doing. “The final details remain,” commented the executive president of the red-and-white club, David Guerra, at the doors of the Presidency headquarters a few minutes after meeting the president of the Principality of Asturias, Adrián Barbón, and the deputy minister of Culture. , Language Policy and Sports, Vanessa Gutiérrez.

The summit between Sporting and the Principality lasted around an hour. It began at four in the afternoon and the club’s management team led by Guerra and which included Joaquín Alonso (responsible for institutional relations) left the Presidency headquarters full of optimism. “Asturias’ candidacy has great options to host the 2030 World Cup for multiple reasons. Because it is the oldest stadium in Spanish football, because Asturias is a community that truly deserves it, that represents football like no other, the development of Spain and “I think that the Asturians have expressed that they want it. All the institutions are aligned and have political will. There is political will to move this project forward for the good of Oviedo, Gijón and all of Asturias. This is a great project for all of Asturias,” War declared.

“But how to get those 150 million?” they asked the executive president of the red-and-white club, who denied having asked the Principality to quantify that support with a more concrete amount economically. “We have not come to demand anything,” Guerra stated categorically, later explaining that they are looking for a “public-private collaboration” to finance the work. Obtaining those 150 million euros is now Sporting’s great workhorse as the main promoter of the El Molinón candidacy, after agreeing to resize the project.

The red and white club maintains different financing avenues open while it works on finishing its project. One involves uniting all forces: public administrations with private capital that would be developed through companies that may be interested in investing in the El Molinón project. This is a public-private collaboration formula, still in the development phase. The ownership of El Molinón will continue to be municipal. This is out of debate. But the idea of ​​this model is that the exploitation of the field is carried out by some companies that are willing to bet heavily on the project and on public administrations. The public-private strategic alliance to design world-class stadiums has already been developed in other fields of Spanish football. An example is the Nuevo San Mamés, whose work was financed based on percentages distributed among different actors.

The plan would involve the renewed Sporting field proposing projects that are not exclusively linked to the football business every fortnight, but rather that their impact in terms of economic and tourist development could be beneficial for Gijón and all of Asturias. Sporting, which has the firm Legends as an advisor, has this financing channel with El Molinón as a priority. Another avenue that has been proposed would be the creation of new infrastructures in the countryside, as LA NUEVA ESPAÑA advanced.

In Mareo they intend to polish the last details of their project, establish a protocol, and then sit down again with the Gijón City Council and the Principality of Asturias in a matter of weeks. And then go again to the Spanish Federation and the Higher Sports Council in search of hitting the table so that El Molinón is one of the chosen venues. “We have a very tight schedule, because if the FIFA requirements come out in December, we would be talking about the venues having to be decided approximately in February. We all have to step on the accelerator,” Guerra concluded.

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