Sportsmanship index, Trento (2nd in Italy) leads Bolzano (20th) – Sport

by times news cr

TRENTO. The province of Trento earns 2nd place in the sportsmanship index, a survey carried out by Pts for Il Sole 24 Ore and which, now in its 18th edition, measures the diffusion and quality of local sports systems.

In first place, which Trento had occupied for two consecutive years, this year is the province of Bergamo. The index is calculated on 35 indicators divided into four categories.

In the “sports structure” category, Trento comes 4th in the ranking with a 1st place for the attractiveness of sporting events but an 89th position for investments in sport. The province of Trento comes in 14th place for the team sports category, while it occupies 1st place in the individual sports and sport and society categories, with a 1st place, in the latter category, for the women’s sport indicator.

The province of Bolzano it is instead in 20th position. In the sports structure and team sports categories it came in 51st and 52nd place respectively, while in the individual sports category and in the sports and society category it came in 2nd and 9th place.

It is 1st in the winter sports indicator and for tennis (within the individual sports category) but 107th in the training indicator for sports (within the sports and society category).

2024-10-01 04:44:29

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