Spring allergies, natural remedies: 8 tips to survive

by time news

Spring allergies, natural remedies: how to reduce the symptoms of this season’s typical rhinitis

When we think of spring, we imagine blooming flowers, good weather, the outdoors, warmer temperatures. But for many this season is unfortunately also synonymous with spring allergies.

If you are one of the 10 million Italians who suffer from seasonal allergies O asthma, you may find spring a lot less pleasant. Symptoms of the hay fever (runny nose, congestion, sneezing, itching) can be unpleasant. While asthma can significantly limit daily activities.

La Dott.ssa Marina Venturaphysician expert in allergology of the Unisalus Medical Center of Milan, provides general information on allergies as well as 8 tips that will help you be proactive about your allergies this spring.

Allergies, what are they

First of all, let’s start by saying what allergies are. They are the result of the negative reaction of your body and your immune system to a substance called allergenic. One of the most common forms of allergy is the rinite allergicto. More commonly known as seasonal allergy O hay fever. Seasonal allergies typically occur in spring, summer, or fall and have a wide range of internal and external triggers.

Spring allergies, symptoms and causes

The main culprits during the spring are Frstree hills (such as birch, oak, cedar, walnut), pollen from grassesthe spores of mold ed weeds (such as ambrosia). Even the dust mites e i pet hair they play a role as allergens all year round.

One test allergologico is the first step in identifying these triggers. It is usually best to have blood or skin tests done. Symptoms of the spring allergies they often include sneezing, runny nose, congestion, itchy throat and eyes, and mucus that drains into the back of the throat.

Spring allergies, natural remedies: 8 tips to learn how to manage them

La Dott.ssa Marina Venturaphysician expert in allergology of the Unisalus Medical Center of Milan will now tell you some ways to combat spring allergies.

1. Find out what you are allergic to

If you don’t know what you’re allergic to, you’ll never really know the triggers and how to find a long-term solution. Also, when there are sudden changes in temperature and quickly go from cold to hot, it can be difficult to tell if the congestion is caused by allergies, colds or viruses. If the congestion lasts more than two weeks, the symptoms increase or if your eyes, nose and throat become itchy, you may suspect that it is an allergy. do a test allergologico.

2. Avoid opening doors and windows whenever possible

The pollen is one of the main culprits of seasonal allergies. While we often want to let the fresh spring air in, this way you allow this allergen to enter your home. Pollen numbers usually peak early in the morning and late in the evening. So avoid keeping doors and windows open during those times. So it’s better keep the windows closed if you have seasonal allergies. Instead, use a conditioner to circulate clean air throughout the house.

Or, if you feel you need to ventilate your home, be sure to dust or vacuum afterwards to collect any allergens that may have entered. If you suffer from allergies to pet hair o alle molds open the windows to eliminate internal allergens.

3. Care for the lawn

Mow the grass at regular intervals to prevent it from becoming too long and thus increasing the pollen level. Wear a face mask while doing this or, even better, have someone else do it.

4. Take a shower before going to sleep

A good practice during allergy months is to shower and wash your hair before going to bed. In fact, during the day, your skin and hair become a magnet for allergens floating in the air. Washing away the pollen and dust will prevent it from spreading onto sheets and pillows. This same practice should also apply to any clothes you’ve worn outside. Washing clothes as soon as possible is a good way to prevent allergens from spreading throughout your home.

5. Take off your shoes and change your clothes when you enter the house

If you take off your shoes and change your clothes when you enter the house, you will eliminate the risk of dragging pollen into the house. This little forethought can greatly improve allergy symptoms in the home.

6. Do nasal rinses

Make gods nasal rinses with salt water when congestion occurs due to allergies it can help. Salt rinses can be done using a nasal spray. You can also try to do gargle with salt water twice a day to relieve irritation and inflammation in the throat.

The saline solution helps eliminate pollen from the nose and thus minimizes allergy symptoms.

7. Clean regularly

It is a good idea to clean the floors weekly and thoroughly clean at least once a month. Don’t forget to dust the furniture, wash the sheets and curtains and also remove the dust from the blinds. Also check the bathrooms for mold.

8. Stay indoors on windy and dry days

On dry, windy days, pollen is carried away in the air and worsens the symptoms of those with allergies. Staying indoors these days is the best solution to not unleash the seasonal allergies. If you have to go outside, be sure to wear sunglasses to keep pollen out of your eyes. The best time to go outdoors is immediately after the rain. Because the humid climate keeps the pollen attached to the soil.

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