Spring and Easter wreaths and decorations by Michaela Vopelková – Žena.cz – 2024-04-05 16:24:07

by times news cr

2024-04-05 16:24:07

“The trend of making wreaths probably has very deep roots. According to some sources, it dates back to pagan times before the arrival of Christianity. Even then, green plants were supposed to symbolize life as an antithesis to the cold winter. The same symbolism can also be carried by spring wreaths today,” says Michaela Vopelková .

According to her, social networks contributed to the growth in popularity of spring and Easter wreaths. One can be inspired by them. A large number of women want their home to be cozy and try to create a nice atmosphere. They can bring home a piece of spring in the form of a wreath.

For the production of decorative wreaths, Michaela Vopelková uses materials that can be found freely in nature or in the garden. She also uses plant flowers for decoration, which she dries for storage during the summer months.

It is said that fresh heather, which has been blooming in the garden since February, has an effective effect. Before Easter, it will be the turn of the eggshells, either from chickens that are half filled with moss, or from blown-out quails.

Speaking of eggs, are you wondering how to dye them naturally? Find out here.

The ones that were a shame to throw away

The artist from Budějovice started with wreaths fifteen years ago actually by accident – because of two felled silver spruces in her colleague’s garden. It was a shame to throw away the beautiful piece.

“We took him to my house and together we started making soul wreaths. Because our first creations were a success, making wreaths became a tradition and later a job,” recalls the professional wreath maker, who passes on her art to people through online courses.

According to her, making wreaths does not depend so much on initial skills, but rather on practice. Each subsequent piece is usually more successful. The plants are attached to the solid body with wire. Elements that cannot be added to the binding – for example the aforementioned eggshells – are glued on using a silicone gun. He also shares a number of simple tutorials for free on the Cinderella’s Wreaths YouTube channel.

How to keep wreaths beautiful for a longer time

The life of the wreath depends on its type and location. “Harvest wreaths last for many seasons in a dry environment. Spring wreaths tied from living plants slowly dry out. Some customers keep them even after they dry, others change them,” says Michaela Vopelková.

And he adds one more piece of advice. Wreaths are said to last longer when placed facing north. The less the sun reaches the wreath, the longer it will retain its color and freshness.

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