Srilanka Economic Crisis and Family Politics | Srilanka Crisis: Sri Lanka’s economic crisis and family politics …

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There is a severe economic crisis in Sri Lanka. The situation is that people have no food and no job. People are being forced to take to the streets as there is a severe shortage of essential commodities such as electricity and water. However, the simple answer to the question of why such a developed country has reached such a deplorable state is that the Sri Lankan treasury is empty.

This inevitably raises another question of how the treasury is empty. Now to answer this question, we need to examine the political history of Sri Lanka, which was ruled by only one family for many years.

Rule run by brother-son, nephew

The key news on Sri Lanka’s economic crisis is that all government ministers, except Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse, have resigned en masse. Looking at the list of ministers now in government, it is clear that more than half of the ministers are from the Rajapaksa family.

Gotabhaya Rajapaksa is the President of Sri Lanka. The Prime Minister of Sri Lanka is the President’s elder brother Mahinda Rajapaksa. Mahinda Rajapaksa also holds the Ministry of Urban Development in Sri Lanka. Mahinda Rajapaksa has previously been President of Sri Lanka.

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Chamal Rajapaksa, the elder brother of the Rajapaksa family, is the Home Minister of Sri Lanka.
Namal Rajapaksa, son of Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa, is the Minister of Sports in Sri Lanka. Namal Rajapaksa also has the Ministry of Technology. Shashendra Rajapaksa, son of Samal Rajapaksa, is the Minister of Agriculture in Sri Lanka.

The Rajapaksa family ruled for two decades

In Sri Lanka, the Rajapaksa family has been in power in Sri Lanka for more than two decades. Mahinda Rajapaksa has played a key role in this. He defeated the LTTE in 2009 and ended Sri Lanka’s decades-long civil war. In 2004, he became the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. This position lasted only until 2005. After that he became the President of the country and held that post till 2015. That is, the Rajapaksa family has held the key to power in Sri Lanka for the past 18 years.

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Compete in elections by amending the Constitution

Mahinda Rajapaksa has been the President of Sri Lanka twice until 2015. He amended the constitution for the third time and contested the election. He was then defeated by the opposition. After this, the opposition came to power on the issue of crime and minorities. But could not stay in power. Once again the public gave the Rajapaksa family a chance. Gotabhaya Rajapaksa easily won the general election in Sri Lanka after the Easter bombing in 2019 and became the President.

The right decisions were not made

The situation in Sri Lanka has been deteriorating over the past decade. But experts say the situation will get out of control by 2020. In the midst of the corona epidemic, the Sri Lankan government has not been able to make decisions that will keep the country’s economy running smoothly. As a result, the economic situation in Sri Lanka deteriorated. The world is now seeing the effect.

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