SSa confirms 18 deaths associated with MPOX (monkeypox)

by time news
  • Since the first case detected in May 2022 and until today, 3,928 infections have been registered in Mexico.
  • Until now, Cofepris has not authorized the only vaccine designed against this infection.
  • The most recent InDRE report mentions that there are 18 deaths associated with MPOX in Mexico.

Since 2022, an outbreak of monkeypox, now known as MPOX, has been reported and has spread throughout the world until reaching Mexico. After months of maximum alert, a decrease in the number of new cases is observed. But although the panorama seems a little more relaxed, one cannot be overconfident because the disease has not yet been eradicated.

Total cases occurred in Mexico

With this in mind, the Fortnightly Technical Report on Epidemiological Surveillance in Mexico states that since the confirmation of the first case on May 28, 2022, and until March 6, 2023, 6,559 people who meet the definition have been identified. probable case operational. Of these, 3,928 were confirmed, 293 are under study, and 2,338 were ruled out by laboratory tests.

The Institute of Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (InDRE) notified that the accumulated positive cases are distributed in the 32 states:

Mexico City, two thousand 029 infections; Jalisco, 402; State of Mexico, 361; Quintana Roo, 238; Yucatan, 169; Nuevo Leon, 125; Puebla, 68; Veracruz, 64; Tabasco, 57; Chiapas, 52; Lower California, 32; Tamaulipas, 31; Queretaro, 30; Hidalgo, 26; and Morelos, 25.

In addition, Campeche, 23; Chihuahua, 25; Guanajuato, 22; Sinaloa, 19; Waterfalls, 18; Coahuila, 16; Warrior, 15; Oaxaca, 14; St. Louis Potosí, 12; Tlaxcala, 12; Nayarit, 10; Michoacan, eight; Baja California Southern, six; Colima, six; Sonora, five; Zacatecas, five; and Durango, three.

Regarding the distribution by sex assigned at birth, the predominance is in men, with 97 percent. The age group from 30 to 34 years is the one with the highest prevalence, which presents an incidence rate of 10.8 per 100,000 inhabitants; that is, 1,025 of the 3,928 confirmed cases.

Regarding the gender of those who provide information, 95.76 percent corresponds to male and 3.29 percent, female; 0.22 percent is non-binary; 0.11 percent, bigender; 0.20 percent, transgender; and 0.42 percent corresponds to another group.

The most common symptoms reported are rash in 100 percent of cases, followed by fever in 72.1 percent, and headaches in 62.9 percent. While those living with HIV are more vulnerable to developing the disease, they suffer from syphilis and diabetes mellitus, among others.

Deaths associated with MPOX in Mexico

As of March 6, 18 deaths have been identified, of which four are directly related to mpox infection, two are not related to this cause, and 12 are being analyzed by a group of experts in infectious diseases and epidemiology to define whether there is a causal association between death and infection.

These are 17 men and one woman, who during medical care presented MPOX-compatible lesions.

Worldwide, 86,369 confirmed cases were reported in 110 countries, territories, and areas in the six regions of the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as 108 deaths.

This disease lasts an average of 21 days, and is transmitted by direct contact with the secretions of a sick person through mucous membranes or skin lesions, respiratory droplets, and objects contaminated with body fluids.

Recommendations to avoid infections

It can be prevented by avoiding direct physical contact with people who are sick or suspected of having the disease. There are practices that can increase the risk of infections, including mpox, such as sex with strangers, dark rooms or sex parties; this, due to the close contact between people during these activities.

Those who care for relatives with the disease should wash clothes, towels, sheets, and eating utensils with warm water and detergent; In addition, clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces. In case of presenting symptoms, patients should avoid getting close to other people and not go to public places.

Also read:

MPOX in Mexico: SSa confirms 16 deaths associated with the infection

There are 14 deaths associated with MPOX in Mexico; there are no vaccines available in the country yet

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