With the aim of offering better conditions for making blood donations, in terms of availability and use of resources, the Ministry of Health (Ssa) launched the National Blood System, reported the general director of the National Center for Blood Transfusion, Jorge Trejo Gómora.
He explained that this service requires the improvement of blood banks, transfusion services, as well as collection centers.
Trejo assured that in 2023, in Mexico, were raised around 1.6 million units of bloodso there is sufficient supply; however, he said, it is necessary to improve the system distribution, especially in difficult areas. In this regard, he gave an example of the main reason for maternal mortality in municipalities that are more than an hour away from a site where safe blood is available.
He also reported that there are more than 530 blood banks in the country, of which 52% are public and 48% private. Of the total, 111 collect more than five thousand units per year.where he reiterated that in some entities, the number of banks is insufficient in relation to the number of inhabitants.
Finally, he explained that there are currently approximately four thousand 500 spaces, where cross-match tests are done to ensure the quality of the blood and its components and 450 blood collection centers.
2024-09-06 01:28:32