“Stabilize waiting lists for cataracts”

by time news

2023-05-29 19:02:48

We have stabilized this tsunami” of waiting lists for “cataract surgery which, without particular efforts, is able to correct and eliminate vision defects such as presbyopia which, I remember, affects all people” at a certain age. Alongside this “satisfaction, there is also the awareness of having set up a methodology to support patients with maculopathy”. It is “a circulatory problem of the retina which prevents the affected person from being able to read a bank statement and which affects one in 3 people after the age of 70. We are talking about very challenging numbers”. Matteo Piovella, president of the Italian Society of Ophthalmology, at the end of the Soi National Congress which took place in Rome these days.

“We are also engaging in an activity for children, to try to reduce myopia – continues Piovella – These are fundamental issues, for which nothing could be done for decades. Today we have the possibility” to make a difference, having acquired “competence, ability and organization”, but we need to make an appeal because, without the political will”, all of this “remains unheard of”. Furthermore, “the recovery depends on the political will – reiterates President Soi of funds: the demand of citizens in ophthalmology has increased by 10 times”.

Today the goal “is that all the preparation, ability and organization, all these positives – concludes Piovella – become natural and normal baggage of the public health system”.

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