Stade de France: “scum rules” in Seine-Saint-Denis, according to Zemmour who accuses Darmanin of “lying”

by time news

Éric Zemmour, the far-right president of Reconquête!, denounced this Monday “the advent of scum who make the law” in Seine-Saint-Denis, after the scenes of chaos on Saturday near the Stade de France which hosted the final of the Champions League.

Stéphane Troussel, the socialist president of the departmental council of 93, immediately refuted the criticisms of the far-right candidate for the legislative elections in the Var. “I do not accept that the extreme right is unleashed against its favorite object of hatred, Seine-Saint-Denis and its inhabitants, I will not accept that we are the scapegoats”, he said on France info.

“Gérald Darmanin is lying. I accuse him of putting dust under the rug, ”said Eric Zemmour on Europe 1, the Minister of the Interior having initially pointed to the responsibility of English supporters without tickets.

“The quinquennium of the advent of scum”

According to him, the incidents are the fault of “suburbanites, looters, thieves and tutti quanti” and “this misadventure of Mr. Darmanin announces the coming five-year term, that is to say the five-year term of the advent of scum who make the law more and more”.

“The problem is neither the English supporters nor the police, the problem is that Seine-Saint-Denis has largely become a foreign enclave” where “we hardly speak French anymore, where people are no longer dressed à la française, where the mores are hardly French anymore, ”assured Éric Zemmour.

The match at the top of European football, which saw Real Madrid win against Liverpool (1-0), started in Saint-Denis with a delay of more than 30 minutes due to scenes of chaos outside the stadium, due to the influx of tens of thousands of supporters and intrusion attempts.

The Ministry of Sports brings together this Monday morning the organizers of the Champions League final, the police and the local authorities to “learn the lessons” of a fiasco which occurs one year before the 2023 Rugby World Cup and two years of the Paris 2024 Olympics.

VIDEO. “Indescribable chaos”: Liverpool supporters recount their evening at the Stade de France

“We discover that, in this type of event, there are a few dozen, a few hundred individuals, thugs, from all over Île-de-France who meet on the occasion of a exceptional event. Again, the intelligence services, the police could not anticipate this type of situation? “, Still regretted Stéphane Troussel.

Claiming to have “never seen such disorganization around the Stade de France” for a major event, the president of the department called for “a rapid, transparent in-depth investigation into these dysfunctions”.

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