Stade Rochelais: ambition comes with winning

by time news

The Maritimes, European champions, say they are not satisfied. Now in the big leagues, they want to confirm against Stade Toulousain this Saturday evening, in the play-off of the Top 14. Not even afraid …

One victory and everything changes. By winning the Champions Cup two weeks ago against the formidable Irish province of Leinster, Stade Rochelais has changed in dimension. On the prize list side, he entered the big leagues. On the individual side, there wasa click“, assures the manager Ronan O’Gara, surprisingly serene before going to challenge the defending champions of Toulouse at home on Saturday evening in the play-off of the Top 14, place in the semi-final against Castres in play.It is certain, yes, that this title caused a click. The players are much stronger in their heads. They took control, with Greg (Alldritt) at the heart of it. And all the big matches are played in the mind…»

Yet stands a mountain: the Stade Toulousain, stripped of its European crown and eager to keep the shield of Brennus, to save its season by not ending without the slightest trophy. The Reds and Blacks who, in addition, have won their last six meetings against Stade Rochelais, including the two finals, the European Cup and the French championship, last season. “There is a complex against Toulouse, you have to recognize it and accept itreplies the Irish technician very calmly. But, at some point, you have to say stop. And the players said stop after the last defeat (April 23-16, 30). Afterwards, it’s easy to say, now you have to do it. It is up to us to take the initiative. But, at the moment, we are able to find many more solutions than before on the ground. »

It is time. The timing is perfect. We need to show what we are capable of doing.

Ronan O’Gara

Ronan O’Gara does not handle the language of wood. He shows his conviction. His team, the reservoir of confidence filled to the brim by the European title, is capable of anything now. “This group knows no limits. We’re not going to put it on him. We are just starting and we will accelerate. We have the players for thatdoes not hesitate to affirm in a press conference the mentor of the Maritimes. I think we are much stronger defensively and with the ball. If we eliminate the silly mistakes…»

The reasons to believe in an end to the black series are not lacking according to him. He points out that his team has won thirteen of its last fifteen matches since mid-February (defeats in Toulon and… Toulouse). Let the pedigree of defeated opponents prove the value of its players. That these are not satisfied. On the contrary. Ambition comes with winning. “It is time. The timing is perfect. We need to show what we are capable of doing. This is the opportunity to show our level. We are going there with enormous determination. We are going to play our game. And I say why not us? »

And to those who believe that the Rochelais, between the fierce battle against Leinster and the huge party that followed for four days, are exhausted, he responds with a smile. “I find the players in good shape. They are not tired, there is good energy in training.The first star embroidered on the jersey must wear them. This is confirmed by the emblematic second-line Romain Sazy. “We realized that it is quite simply possible. We had made the rounds of the vice-champions. It feels good to no longer be the little one who has never won anything…»

It’s not possible to imagine that Saturday is our last game. This option is not in our head.

Ronan O’Gara

A capital of confidence that can tip the balance of power against Toulouse. “My players make great matches against great opponents. They are confident after Marseille (place of the Champions Cup final, editor’s note). It’s time to show that we can win in Toulouse. We know that it’s a huge challenge, that it’s Toulouse at home, with world-class players in front. But it’s up to us to know what we would like to do. To seize this great opportunity. We are the ones who have the “momentum”. let’s go!, launches a completely uninhibited Ronan O’Gara. If we want to be champion of France, which is the goal, we have to beat the best teams.»

And when he is reminded, once again, that in recent seasons, the advantage has been with Toulouse (8 wins in eleven confrontations, including the last six), he is ironic. “It’s been a long time yes. But it’s also been a long time since we were European champions…Never actually. Just to emphasize that nothing is impossible. “It’s not possible to imagine that Saturday is our last game. This option is not in our headconcludes the manager with unfailing determination. Like its players transfigured by their continental conquest.

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