Stair routine for firm arms and abdomen with less flaccidity

by time news

The stairs can be torture for most, the good news is that it is possible to use them to your advantage to tone your body. Try this ladder routine for firm arms and abdomen with less flab.

Who has not ignored the stairs and used the elevator in a building? Sometimes it’s the rush, but other times, just thinking about climbing more than 3 floors on foot exhausts us. However, taking the stairs is an excellent cardiovascular exercise… although it is not the only way to take advantage of them.

Stair routine to tone the arms and abdomen

Just going up the stairs implies an excellent physical activity, but there are exercises that we can do to work on specific areas. Among the most common are buttocks and legs, but you can also work arms and abdomen. Get the most out of the stairs in your house or building with this routine.


Push-ups are very effective for toning arms, although they also help to work the abdomen, as well as being a basic in stair routines, as recommended Mayo Clinic specialists.

Face the stairs and rest your hands firmly on a step, aligning it directly under your shoulders. She stretches out her legs, with her toes pushing into the floor, so that she is in a kind of plank.

Press up, bending your elbows, until your chest touches the stair, as you inhale; exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat 15 times, taking care that the back and neck are in a neutral position and the abdomen is tight.


Start with the previous position: rest your hands on a step and stretch your legs. This time, instead of bending your elbows, bend your knees to lower yourself, until they’re a few inches off the ground, keeping your arms straight. Come up and repeat 15 times.

Photo: iStock


The crab walk is a complete exercise to work your upper body and core muscles. Here we show you the correct technique to do it on the floorbut if you want to increase its intensity, try it on the stairs.

Sit on the landing at the top of the stairs, with your feet 2 steps below you, shoulder-width apart. Put your arms behind you, resting your hands on the top step; lift the hip, squeezing the buttocks and abdomen.

Begin to lower yourself crab-like, alternating opposite arms and legs. To level him up, he starts at the bottom and goes up with the same position.

Photo: iStock


Have you ever heard of mountain climbers? They are a complete exercise that not only burns fat, but also works your abdomen and upper area. Trainers point out that going slow is perfect for your core, while going faster will burn more calories.

Stand 3 steps below the top landing or where, when you rest your hands on the landing, your body is forming a diagonal. With a jump, bring your right leg one step below your hands; With another jump, lower the leg and raise the opposite one. Repeat 10 times per leg.

Photo: iStock


If you are looking for an intense exercise that helps you mark your six pack, at the same time as your arms, with short repetitions and that is not the iron, without a doubt the L-sit is the option. In this isometric exercise, your body is suspended, while your arms support your weight and the abdomen is in charge of balance.

Doing it on the stairs helps make it easier to get your legs off the ground. Sit on a step, not too close to the bottom of the stairs; rest your hands on the edge and, with the help of your arms, lift your buttocks off the step, while stretching your legs in front. Hold your weight for 10 seconds.

Photo: iStock


Sit on the second or third step, so that your legs form a 90° angle and your feet can rest on the floor. Place your hands on the edge of the step and step forward so that your buttocks are in the air like a suspended chair.

Do bottoms, bending your elbows and lowering your hips, until your buttocks are almost at the bottom step. Repeat 15 times. If you want to increase the intensity, straighten one leg while performing the exercise and alternate.

Photo: iStock


Get into a side plank position, leaning your forearm on the second or third step; For added support, place one foot in front of the other. Taking care not to round your back, lower your hips, as if you wanted to lean on the step.

Repeat 15 times before switching sides. With this exercise you will work your abdomen and define the sides.

Complete the circuit and repeat 2 or 3 more times. Remember to combine it with cardiovascular exercise and a healthy lifestyle, to see results.

Photo: iStock

What are the benefits of using the stairs?

Going up and down the stairs is an excellent way to do aerobic exercise, as well as tone your legs. Even the Mayo Clinic medical institute explains that it can help control the level of blood sugar.

Did you know that by strengthening your legs you keep your heart healthy? That’s right, when we strengthen and tone our legs, we maintain the flexibility of the arteries in this area, allowing blood to flow more easily, which has an impact on heart health.

Here are other benefits of using the stairs:

You burn more calories than running

Studies have associated it with a lower risk of having a stroke

Improve your cardiovascular health in the long term, reducing the risks of a disease of this type

It is an economical and effective way to combat a sedentary lifestyle and its effects on health

So now you know, start saying yes to using the stairs and incorporate this staircase routine for firmer arms and abdomen with less flab. Of course, he remembers to perform the exercises very carefully to avoid losing his balance and having an accident.

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