Starfield: Although Bethesda Game Studios hasn’t announced a release date yet, Starfield fans have theories about the game’s release date.

by time news

Thursday, July 14, 2022, 21 o’clock 48 minutes 28 seconds, Indochina time

Starfield It’s a game representing something different. Bethesda Game Studios which is Studio developed The Elder Scrolls and the latest game in the series Fallout So it’s understandable that many people are excited about the game. IP (Inttectual Property) It’s new, and as one of the most anticipated games of 2023, fans are curious to know. Studio of Skyrim will work on the game sci-fi type Open-galaxy However, and unfortunately there is no exact release date yet, but some fans think they may have found a possible clue as to the game’s launch date.

According to the latest reports from the news source, there are some fans in the Community of Starfield have theorized about when they found out about the game’s release date. According to the serial numbers from one of the game’s ships, it has been suggested that Starfield It will be released on March 23 next year and the reasoning behind this has to do with references to the brothers and sisters. Wright and patents for “airplane” of them, which dates back to the turn of the last century.

in summary when Bethesda Game Studios release First Official Trailer of Starfield last month It has been noted that the serial numbers on the side of the spacecraft are “SV 821 393” This figure is assumed to be a reference to the brothers’ patents. Wright which is the patent number. 821,393

Others later enthusiastically stated that the patent for this first aircraft was granted on May 22, 1906, but it was first filed on March 23, 1903, so some felt. that March 23 is when the game will be released. It might sound unreliable, but Todd Howard Recorded that he enjoyed a satisfying date. “with eyes” and date 3-23-23 It seemed to fit that aesthetic ideal. Not to mention the fact that it’s the 120th anniversary of the patent filing.

And of course, this is just a fan’s guess. Community only because both Studio The parent company or any other person associated with the official game. The release date was not confirmed based on this assumption. as a matter of fact The game was supposed to be released on November 11th, but Bethesda Game Studios postponed launch Starfield and Redfall went out by claiming they wanted to make sure each Project will meet players’ expectations of quality

due to The Elder Scrolls 6 which is now speculated that it is in the pre-production stage and from where Todd Howard has confirmed about game development Fallout 5 Fans can expect exciting things from Bethesda Game Studios Yes, however There is a possibility that fans will have to wait a very long time for these 2 games to be released. It’s been over a decade now. Skyrim Launched and with developers focused on marketing and games. sci-fi their new upcoming As a result, the other two games may not be mentioned much until Starfield will be available

Starfield It is speculated to be released in 2023 on PC and Xbox Series X/S

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