Stars on the doors of Berlin clubs turned away: they had to stay outside

by time news

Is Elon Musk buying Berghain now that he owns a tenth of Twitter? Hardly, because he was allegedly not turned away at the door of the legendary techno club in Friedrichshain. The 50-year-old CEO of the electric car company Tesla and the richest man in the world would be in good company, because celebrities who are turned away at the doors of hip clubs are a global phenomenon. Legendarily, actors, singers and politicians stayed standing in the rain in front of Studio 54, the most exciting disco in the universe, as it was called at the time. Because not everyone who was known automatically came in, but the mix had to be right: gays, old people, young people, celebrities and night owls had a grassroots democratic chance to spend the night with a coke spoon under the huge moon. That was in the 70’s. Club door policy hadn’t changed in the 80s, Mick Jagger was sent away by artist and party king Leigh Bowery in front of his Taboo club, telling him he was a fossil. And in Berlin? In the German capital, the doors of the clubs were always considered to be quite permeable, and a strict policy was rarely applied. If you weren’t exactly drunk, you could usually get into every club here.

Only at the beginning of the millennium with the emerging lounge trend did the door policy in Berlin become stricter. Bars like Green Door were suddenly employing bouncers, and clubs like 90 Grad were suddenly considered trendy because not everyone could get in. The Berghain, the successor to the Ostgut, has always relied on a selection of its guests and just because you have waited three hours in line is no guarantee of being able to get in under the strict eye of bouncer icon Sven Marquardt. Not even if you are a celebrity. Here is a selection of celebrities who also failed at other doors in Berlin. And which ones decorate every club.

1. Hubertus Regout

It has become quiet around the actor Hubertus Regout, but a few years ago the native Belgian, who lives in Berlin, was still considered one of the hottest up-and-coming mimes in German film and television. At the time, Regout was a guest at almost every party in Berlin, but he didn’t make it to Berghain. He was shamefully rejected and the actor was also encouraged to tell the gala and the colorful ones. He didn’t do it, but the incident made the rounds in Berlin anyway.

2. Wayne Carpendale and Yvonne Catterfeld

That may work in the provinces, but in the capital one prefers not to flaunt one’s reputation in order to get past the queues into a club. Especially not when the celebrity is not too far away. That’s what Wayne Carpendale had to find out a few years ago when he wanted to go to a club with his girlfriend at the time, Yvonne Catterfeld. The son of the South African cuddly bard Howard Carpendale emphasized his name several times and still had to wait in line. But the couple was then allowed in.


Was in it: Yvonne Catterfeld would definitely have made it without Wayne Carpendale.

3. Lady Gaga, Claire Danes and Udo Lindenberg

The three made it to Berghain without any problems. Claire Danes was so dazed by the apparently mind-bending experience that she babbled nonsense about Berlin and techno and ecstatic evenings on the Ellen DeGeneres talk show. In stark contrast to Lady Gaga, who certainly has more street cred as a New Yorker and was one of the few people photographed IN Berghain. In the pictures she looks like a perfectly normal regular at the techno club.

Apparently he’s a regular guest at Berghain, and why not? After all, Udo Lindenberg helped shape German nightlife from its origins.

4. Britney Spears

Anyone who talks about rejected celebrities at Berlin club doors is probably the first to think of the episode with Britney Spears. The pop princess, who was already very well known at the time, did not come to the Edeldisco 90 Grad in Dennewitzstraße in 1999 – the bouncer had not recognized the superstar, so she and her dancers had to stay outside. Club boss Nils Heiliger later said that there was also something positive about the matter: After that there was much less stress at the door, but subsequent rejected people could console themselves with the fact that a record millionaire felt the same way as they did.

dpa/Las Vegas Sun

Britney Spears failed because of a bouncer in Berlin. The poor man got fired for it.

5.       Steven Seagal

In contrast to Britney Spears, the action star has at least made it into 90 degrees. The secret of the 1.93 meter tall, martial arts-experienced giant remains why he allowed himself to be surrounded by eight blank-eyed security guards in the already well-shielded VIP area. The fact that he was also sucking on a banana juice and acting like “The Godfather” didn’t sit well with the head of the club, Heiliger. He politely asked the actor to leave.

6.      Sarah Connor

According to reports in 2010 about the club in Tempelhof’s Ullsteinhaus, the bouncer in the Amber Suite was even tougher than the one in Berghain. The dress code “Nice and chic would be nice” sounded like a lot of room for interpretation, but that was by no means the case. And so singer Sarah Connor was not allowed in because her husband at the time, Marc Terenzi, was wearing tattered jeans. The bouncers showed no mercy – they expected elegant evening wear even from familiar faces.

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