Start payment of bonus Against the Economic War

by time news

From the night of Monday, March 13, the payment of the bonus Against the Economic War to public employees through Patria began.

The 5,500,000 public employees of the country began to receive the Bond Against the Economic Warcorresponding to March 2023. For an amount of 720 bolivars, which is equivalent to $29.85 at the official exchange rate of the Central bank of Venezuela (BCV).

This allocation is distributed through the homeland system and it came with the same amount in bolivars as in February, to active and retired workers. But due to the appreciation of the exchange rate in recent weeks, the value in dollars is slightly higher than the 29.75 dollars of the previous month.

The government had been increasing bolivar bonds to maintain their value in US currency. But in this case, adjustment may not be necessary, since the dollar amount is almost the same as the previous month.

You can read: Ten errors that prevent you from receiving the Patria Bonds

If the 5.5 million public workers who were reported in the 2023 Budget Law receive this allocation. The government would be distributing 3,960 million bolivars, which would be equivalent to 164.2 million official dollars. Because the Economic War bonus is monthly.

Payment of homeland homes

The Hogares de la Patria program, according to the number of members of the family nucleus, is as follows:

Homes of the Motherland

1 member Bs 57.00

2 members Bs 72.00

3 members Bs 108.00

4 members Bs 144.00

5 members Bs 180.00

6 members Bs 216.00

These amounts are equivalent to 2.36 dollars and 8.87 dollars, at the BCV exchange rate of this March 1, which indicates that the increase in the amounts in bolivars maintains the values ​​in foreign currency of the previous month.

With information from Digital Finance

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