Start-up family knows the secret: Maori recipe makes tattoos shine | Regional

by time news

2023-06-30 06:18:50

Mönchengladbach (NRW) – Faded tattoos can shine after just a few seconds as beautiful as the Herzberg family. A recipe handed down by the natives of New Zealand for centuries makes it possible – and gave the Mönchengladbachers their start-up idea.

During a hike through the Grand Canyon three years ago, they first met Naomy from the South Pacific volcanic island. Her traditional tattoos wowed the family. A year later, same place, the chance reunion: “This time the Maori told us their secret: It is a special oil that provides contrast and radiance.”

The tattoo wipes with special oil are packed individually. All Herzbergs always have a few copies in their pockets, which they are happy to give away when they meet tattooed people

Photo: Meike Wirsel

With her blessing, the Herzbergs found a start-up, sell under “ Naomi-Tattoo“ Now the care oil and shine cloths. The housewives and sisters-in-law Judith (55) and Sandra (53) run the business, their daughters Nele (18), Megan (19) and Jule (21) ensure visibility in social media and innovation.

Before/after after just one swipe: on the right, the contours are sharper, the colors even stronger – although it is a relatively young tattoo

Photo: Meike Wirsel

“Our girls were the driving force at the beginning, convinced of the idea from the start. We were carried away by her energy,” says Mama Judith. Her daughter Jule, she is in her fourth semester studying to become a teacher in Wuppertal: “Tattoos have long been something quite normal, almost everyone our age has them today and we are big fans ourselves. But you really have to look for good care products.”

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Bastian (36) got his first tattoo when he was 18, now the motifs tell about his life. The man from Mönchengladbach swears by the care product

Photo: Meike Wirsel

Restaurant owner Bastian (36) has been a family friend for many years and was one of the first people to test the tattoo oil because of his many large tattoos. What bothers him about others: “They are greasy, leave stains. And the colors don’t come out that well. My tattoo artist immediately asked me what suddenly happened to the motifs.”

Sea-Bee (38) has a typical Maori tattoo under his mouth. It is the symbol for warriors: “I also had to fight in life, lost both parents”

Photo: Meike Wirsel

Sea-Bee from Düsseldorf has engraved around a fifth of his countless tattoos himself

Photo: Meike Wirsel

But what is in the oil? The ingredients, 100 percent natural, can be looked up. Stefan Herzberg (58), who works more in the background: “The secret is the mixing ratio, it has to be exact.” The entrepreneur from Mönchengladbach wants to patent the towels.

Fun always comes first in the start-up family

Photo: Meike Wirsel

The launch did not go unnoticed. Even Douglas’ ex-boss had the product tested and asked on a business platform, “Should I invest?” What if the Herzbergs received a request of this caliber?

Sandra: “We are a family business, we do everything ourselves from home and have a lot of fun doing it. But we would think about it…”

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#Startup #family #secret #Maori #recipe #tattoos #shine #Regional

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